Seemed easier in set up

Event Date

Feb 01, 2017

MQ Dewey asked YHC to lead the AO he affectionately MQ'd last year, perhaps overly-Q'd, and the invitation was enthusiastically accepted.  Dusting of my dormant Q'ing skills I quickly went to the whiteboard.  On paper it was solid.  The props were assembled with a dose of American pride.  The walk thru – nailed it.  The set up, meticulous.  The ladder, while challenging seemed doable.  At least when I drove it in my truck.  The pax, some of Racecity's finest, assembled with the typical school girl giddyness that is their MO.

Warm up

Ran to that familiar spot and did some familiar things:

20 DC SSH in remebrance of when Manhands used to post

16 IST – just because

16 Windmills – see above

10 DC Mericans – because Mericans are bad ass.

The Thang:  Mosyed actoss the lot to the top of the ladder, adorned by high quality cardboard signage detailing each round.  The bottom of the ladder, a bit of a jaunt to the end of the cul de sac where a second sign reinforced the carefully choreographed routine.  In between a bear-crawl across the lawn, both ways, of about 50 yards.  Where's Rentacop when you need him?

Rd 1 15 Mericans

Rd 2 15 Mericans + 20 Squats

Rd 3 15 Mericans + 20 Squats + 25 Drydocks

Rd 3 15 Mericans + 20 Squats + 25 Drydocks + 30 LBC's

Rd 4 15 Mericans + 20 Squats + 25 Drydocks + 30 LBC's + 35 Duck walks

Rd 5-9 descend the ladder again

Mosey to "The Wall" (Thank you Mr. President).  10 Burpees – climb the wall, 5 burpees – climb the wall – then "Balls to the Wall" while we recited "The Pledge of Allegiance"



20 Mason Twists

10 Box cutters / 10 Cutter boxes

20 WW2 sit ups

25 DC Flutters

Jambalaya – great effort today!  Saw you many a times will prone in the bear crawl position.

Spinner and Dory – stay regular – awesome

Santiago – just always makes it look too easy.

Mailman sighting!!  Two days in a row?

Ticktock – Death, taxes and TickTock.

Dewey – thanks for Q today!!

Hummer – thanks for bringing decency and decorum to the Q by carrying my signage when other neandrethals left me for dead.

YHC – thought (operative word) he would a don his ruck for the workout but his tender back thought otherwise and I admittedly "BAP'd".

Prayers for many today.  Special thoughts out to Perogi and family.  Prayers for Santiago and Michelle.  Prayers for Crack and Contra with back challenges.  Adding prayer for Manhands and his wife.  Thanks for 1 year old who received a successful heart transplant (Hummer request on behalf of employee – forget details) and prayers for family and child who provided the heart for that 1 yr old.  Alot of people who need our thoughts, encouragement and most of all prayers.  3rd F.  Best F.