Seems like we’ve been here before…

A baker's dozen (including Tipper and Venus) showed up for a less-and-less frequent workout navigated via active Sonar.  The workout felt strangely similar to one from only three months ago.


15        IC         Side Straddle Hops

15        IC         Mountain Climbers

10        IC         Cotton Pickers

10        IC         Imperial Squat Walkers

10        IC         Merkins


Mosey for a short lap around the parking lot




Circuit (1/4 mile with 5 stations):

Start in parking lot AO


– Mosey down parking lot to gravel road

– Stop at sidewalk to do 5 LBCs

– Down-under bar.  Australian pull ups x 5

– Run to shot-put near pull-up bar. Merkins X5

– Run to pull up bar.  Pull-ups x 5

– Back to Start.  Bear crawl up the steps


Repeato with 4 reps…3…2…1


Head to the track

800 m: mosey through the turns – run the straightaways


Head to the field house wall

60 second BTW

60 IC Iron Chair (wall sit) with air-presses


One more lap – clockwise this time…




15        IC         LBC

15        IC         Freddie Mercury

10        IC         Low Flutter

5          IC         Dr. W

10        IC         Mason Twist



Hebrews 13:16

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."

As I approach my two-year painiversary with F3, I've been reflecting on how far we have come as an organization just during my time since 'joining'.  From a national level down to Isotope to Denver (and now Lincolnton), the growth has been amazing.  

Normally, growth in an organization is due to some master strategy conceived in a board room (or at least a meeting room) that gets carried out by a team tasked with achieving a set goal to increase revenue or profit or membership.  

In my opinion F3 is different.  Our growth is driven by something completely different.  It is driven by good men doing good things and simply desiring to share that experience with other good men. 

The Emotional Headlock (EH) is a far better tool than any prospecting strategy ever could hope to be.  The love we have for this thing called F3 drives our desire to share it with others and makes us all better because of it. 

May we all continue to work to grow our numbers – not because we are supposed to – but because we want others to be able to experience what we have all been so fortunate to find.

And a special 'thank you' to Diesel and C# for EH'ing me at Racquet's birthday party a couple of summers ago.



– Felt like forever since my last Q.  Between Murphs, travel and a new Q in the rotation, six weeks is a long time to go when you're used to every other week.  Keep the new Qs coming though!

– Yes, this workout was almost a complete repeato of one from April

– Thanks for putting up with Q that was undeniably the six today (but what elese is new? 😉 )  I'm pretty sure you won't have that problem on Wednesday.  Which reminds me…

– Abrams VQ is Wednesday.  What's he got?  You gotta show to know.

– As always, gentlemen: It is truly an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be part of this.