Self Care Bodega

Event Date

May 10, 2022


Five fellas patronized the Self Care Bodega for a sampling of stretches and core. It was not selfish.


-Overheard during the workout: “I’m here for the bodega”

-Rebranding efforts for Broga took another installment. Just like Natty to take something with questionable humor content and just absolutely run it right into ground

-Puppy training efforts compromised with kids who just want to play with the dog. Bailey is currently an unfinished dog ankle biter

-Brew supplies care package  made it over the Canadian border without incident

-So you want me to wash this towel or just keep it?

-In a moment of weakness, Q shared the rebranding effort and slogans with his family who found it to be decidedly unfunny and a bit odd.  Could you at least try and rhyme?

-Schwinn made his first appearance on a Tuesday. Something tells me that this may be the best part of his Day.

-Solid effort fellas!