Self Imposed Beat Down at Gladiator

Mummble chatter was all the rage at Gladiator.

The WARMARAMA was not the usual mosey with various "warm-up" exercises but a variation combining the two (mosey and calisthenics) as the PAX unknowingly were being shown the path of pain, which was soon to follow.

Here's what we did:

Mosey around the parking lot, hitting the four corners for the upcoming workout. Along the way we perforned SSH, IST, Windmill, Carrot Puller, Mountaint Climbers, and a set of 10x IC Merkins.


PAIN 1 – 4 Corners

Corner One – 10x Pullups + 10x IC Ab Exercise (PAX Choice)

Corner Two – 20x Lunges + 10x IC Ab Exercise (PAX Choice)

Corner Three – 20 x Merkins + 10x IC Ab Exercise (PAX Choice)

Corner Four – 20 x Squats + 10x IC Ab Exercise (PAX Choice)



PAIN 2 – Foundation Work

10x IC Block Press

10x IC Block Curl

10x IC Block Squat

10x IC Block Skull Crusher

10x IC Block V-Up


10x IC Block Press with Skull Crusher (1/2 of 8 count Body Builder)

10x IC Block Squat with Curl (1/2 of 8 count Body Builder)

10x IC Block V-Up


PAIN 3 – Water Works

With only a few minutes left and a fair amount of mumbling, we made our way to the fountain.

10x IC Dips

10x IC Oblique LBC's (Left / Right)

10x IC Heals to Heaven

10x JLo




During today's beatdown there were a couple lessons learned:

1) As the Q, even when you have a plan, sometimes it is better to modify in the moment rather than sticking to it; the mumble chatter by the PAX speaks volumes.

2) OYO (On Your Own) exercises allow the PAX to perform an exercise at their own pace leaving plenty of room for modification and fewer reps; IC (In Cadence) sets a level of expectation (quantiy and pace), which keeps everyone engaged inadvertently encouraging the PAX to push themselves.

Thank you gentlemen for your dedication to yourselves, your family, and our community. I appreciate the opportunity to serve you. I am proud to call you firends.
