Send Moobs

Event Date

Oct 29, 2019

Four rather top heavy souls ventured out to the Quarry on a pleasant October morning in response to the pre-blast solicitation to Send Moobs. Some things just cannot be unseen, no matter how hard one may try


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang:

Go to middle of the parking lot and make two teams of two.

Each team of partners lines up on the edge of the parking lot.  The first partner in the team does a lap around the parking lot.

At the same time, the other partner is doing the exercises prescribed below.  When the partner doing the finishes, the other partner starts their run, and the partner who just ran continues the exercise count until the total amount of exercises is reached.

Exercises are as follows:

  • 50 – burpees

  • 100 – CDD

  • 150 – Curb Dips

  • 200 – Mercans

  • Plank – 3 rounds each

  • 300 – flutter kicks

  • 400 – squats


  • Shocker that there was no counting involved (at least the out loud kind of counting)

  • Smart audible was called early on the length of the parking lot laps

  • Just because you see it on the internet does not always mean it’s a good idea to share it. Moobs? WTF

  • Overheard at the Overlook Oktoberfest on Sunday – “Hold it!!!” Pay him no mind son, he’s a bit of a freak

  • Offering adults a Jell-O shot whilst their children are trick or treating in the Quarry Hood is a very neighborly gesture. NextDoor naysaying trolls tend to disagree

  • The new Corning building apparently has some good props to leverage for future workout purposes.

  • Costume party themed workout on Thursday. Come dressed as your F3 name or whatever else floats your boat.

  • Great work men!