September 2023 THE Horseshoe

19 of F3 Isotope’s finest challenged themselves with the September edition of THE Horsehshoe which is indeed uphill both ways.

The Thang:

Mosey to the thoroughfare

 Curb calf stretches each leg

 SSH X 15

IST X 15

Long Snappers X 10

Windmills X 10

Mosey to the base of the hill – 6 rocks on the way for the first 6 back at each revolution to do 20 curls

20 reps of each of the following in a pyramid style for 100 reps total:




Dying Cockroaches

Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to the Fire Station

Pretzel Crunch X 10 each side

Touch ‘Dem Heels X 20

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to launch


Naked Man Moleskin:

  1.  Welcome back Metallic, always happy to have the commissioner back in our ranks
  2. F3 royalty present in form of Primo as well – long time no see
  3. Great to have Blackbeard join us for coffee – ecstatic to see you out rucking in the gloom
  4. Lots of pax tailgating last weekend and this weekend coming up – please be careful out there 

As always, it was an honor and privilege to lead this group of men today!

