Seriously, Can we please just call it TacoRanger

Event Date

Oct 03, 2018

Edito's Note 1:  Jaws went for a run and passed on a shoulder smoker but came back in time for ball of man and tacos.  Strong work.  Stay hungry my friend. 

Missing Pax Names :  IceMan and Swanson.  

So much for the best laid plans of mice and men.   YHC showed up early to set up the pain train on the top floor but nearly clipped Camp Gladiator and some skateboarders on the way to the to[p floor up so modifications to the plan were in order.   The pre-blast promised a shoulder smoker with a side of burnt abs and I could not fail the Pax. Here is my story:

Warm O'Rama:

  1. In the Parking Lot
    1. 12X SSH IC (Tom Brady)
    2. The World-Famous Mountain Climber to 11 IC (Julian Edelman)
    3. Merican with a twist – on the way up lift right arm and left leg and then do opposite on next Merican – 12 IC (it all begins and ends with Tom Brady
  2. Slow Mosey to the stairs and inch worm up the stairs with 3 Mericans on each flight of stairs
  3. Pick up a Cinder Block or a 35 lbs weight – do a side shuffle facing one way and twist the weight the opposite direction that you stepped.  
  • Editor's note:  YHC fully believes that Mary is for people who can't incorporate core into their regular workout or its a time filler to the end of the workout

The Main Thang

    YHC had taken the liberty of setting up a vicious round of shoulder and core exercises with some 'brought from home devices.'   The round consisted of:

    1. The TIMER – One pax used a 35 lbs kettlebell where they did a "lunge, curl, overhead press" for about 20 feet using one side and the came back using the other side.  Everyone did the rest of the circuit OYO until the TIMER completed
    2. Up-down planks.   Start in the up plank position, go to the down plank position.   Do it on concrete.   Switch hands when the TIMER starts their return trip
    3. 15 lbs Squat-press combo 
    4. 12 lbs over head side to side slam ball
    5. Light resistance bands around the wrists and ankles plank walk – come back the opposite direction when the TIMER switches direction
    6. Bosu ball crunches
    7. 50 foot 1 1/2 inch Battle ropes – just survive

    In between each set, we did a hip plank with glutes pushed into the air and the pax was forced to hold this position while we either set goals for 2019 or gave thanks. 


    We were running out of time, so we circled up and did two rounds of the following – all Pax members had a weight in their hands to ensure that maximum burn of energy prior to $1 tacos:

    1. Mason Twist (5IC Round 1, 10 IC Round 2)
    2. WW2 Sit Up with a push to the side at the top of the Sit Up (10 IC)
    3. Hip Plank skull crushers – 10 IC
    4. Hip Plank chest press – 10 IC

    RECOVER, RECOVER and pack the pain toys back in the car

    The Nekked Man MoleSkin

    • I met Strutter for the first time.   He brought his own flavor of Race City Mumble Chatter to the event.   He also bought my tacos so I am forever indebted to him. 
    • Mona Lisa showed that he:
      • He has a tremendously long stide, and 
      • He can eat 14 tacos without much of an issue
    • Swanson is in rehab from an Achilles tear.  He fought through the whole damn workout and got stronger. 
    • Freedom made of fun of the side to side slam balls until he was about a minute into them. As always, Freedom remains a beast. 
    • Beast is appropriately named.   He glided through the workout and then confessed that he tapped out here and there.  I didn't see it. 
    • Iceman ended the work out by priomising to bring the pain the next time I show up.   #challengeaccepted
    • Jaws went for a run
    • The Tacos from the truck along side Main Street Tavern were ok.  The chicken was overcooked but the drinks flowed well.   Good conversations were had.  Jobs and job losses were discussed.  
      • We all are pretty well blessed.   The F3 network was highlighted in my prayer in taking us out.  
    • You get out of F3 what you put in.   
    • Its time to ice my shoulders.