Set Goal. Got Swole.

A bodybuilding workout instead of a traditional bootcamp–that was our goal, and we definitely got swole.

Ten men appeared in the optimism of the post-gloom dawn to participate in an intense beatdown focused on muscle-growth over conditioning with almost no running (due to YHC's foot-pain issue). Single sets of exercises were replaced with multiple sets, more-challenging form, higher weights, and slower cadence. The result turned 10 nerdy Bruce Banners into a lacrosse team of Hulks.


30 Goose Steps

(That's all the warmup we had time for. It was time to get pumped!)

The Thang

Bear Squats x 2

Super Slow Big Girl Merkins x 2

Sheryl Sandbergs x 2

Side Wall Planks x 2

Karate Kids x 2

Down Under Triceps Extension x 2

Aussie Pull-Ups x 2

Super Slow Big Girl Merkins x 2


Super Slow Curls x 2

Super Slow Bent-Over Rows x 2

Super Slow Skull Crushers x 2

Super Slow Overhead Press x 2

Super Slow Flutter Chest Press x 2

Partner Accordions x 2

There's Something about Mary. . .

Super Slow Freddie Mercurys


Oblique V-Ups


How did BRP get 10 pax out on a Saturday without bribes? Easy. Mighty Jungle got canceled. We'll take 'em how we get 'em.

We mixed church and state when Superior Court Judge Scrappy took us out with a prayer. FNG George Cross heard about F3 at work, showed up to run at BRP on Wednesday and again today to show that his Iron Man tattoo was well-deserved (indeed it was). The FNG-nicknaming process got a little squirelly. We ignored his below-the-belt paw tattoo that Scrappy somehow noticed and the fact that he worked for Team Penske because those would be too easy. He was a swimmer in school, so YHC suggested Nyad (after swimming legend Diana), but he had a crab on his Iron Man shirt, so someone suggested "Krabby Patty" (a Sponge-Bob reference) and then Mr. Crab, which was agreed upon and then rejected for further discussion. A vote ended in a tie, with several abstentions, so the master Q was called upon for the tie-breaker. I never watched Sponge Bob, so Mr. Crab it is. (Hey, crabs swim, right?)

A great workout, gentlemen! It was nice to have a good-sized group to take through the paces. Let me know if you feel it tomorrow.