Seven Years of F3

Event Date

Feb 09, 2021

Also present: Vegemite and El Capitan

So my F3 birthday is officially tomorrow, but I decided to celebrate early. Seven years ago tomorrow was my first introduction to F3. After spending a little time with some guys that called each other by very strange nicknames, Gump and LawDawg, and several conversation about a ridiculous 0530 ritual they performed, LawDawg upped the ante. He said, "I've got a deal for you. I'll be at your house at 0512. You can either be ready or I'll ring your doorbell and wake up your whole family". I'm not sure that was the best approach but I gave in and I was hooked. I didn't think I had time for it, but it turned out that I was in critical need of that 0530 ritual. My family had recently moved from Louisiana and started a business about six months prior to that fateful day. I was struggling with depression, almost all of my waking hours focused on the business, fighting for survival. It turned out that the 45 minute ritual we call a beat down freed me from the stress of the business. For those 45 minutes, my mind could only work on physically surviving the beat down, and it saved my emotional health. It was a gift from God. Not only did I become more physically and mentally healthy, but I developed deep relationships with great men, and have had opportunities to partner to serve our community. I pray that F3 will continue to grow and serve many more Sad Clowns the way it served me. 


Lap the greenspace with dynamic stretching: butt-kickers, high-knees, and elbow to ankle lunges

  • Cotton pickers
  • SSH
  • Windmill
  • Imperial Storm Troopers

THANG 1: On the Kiser Corner, Leavitt Lane, SW Blvd loop

  • Partner up and do the following in cadence:
  • 7 Carolina DD 
  • 7 Merican
  • 7 Low Flutter
  • 7 Lunges
  • Partners run opposite directions around the loop until you meet on the other side
  • Fist or Elbow Bump your partner
  • 7 Carolina DD 
  • 7 Merican
  • 7 Low Flutter
  • 7 Lunges
  • Run back to the start
  • Repeato x 2

THANG 2: Stairway to Seven – Start with 1 rep in cadence of the following 7 exercises and walk up the stairs until you get to 7

  • Carolina DD
  • Burpee (single-count)
  • LBAB (had to be there)
  • Mason twist
  • Side lunge
  • Forward lunge
  • Squat

MARY – Sorry, out of time


  1. Like I mentioned above, the men and F3 have been an incredible blessing to me! I'll never be able give back to this group what it has given to me. I will not begin to mention names because I am certain to leave out some really important men. 
  2. Props to some Pax this morning "modifying when necessary", but still getting out into the gloom – Vegemite out there with a broken rib, and Tiger King giving 100% until 0600 when he had to leave for work. 
  3. Fairy Godfather – Solid job on the Mericans this morning. You and Pusher are my heroes on that. 
  4. El Capitan was on fire out there. He's got some wheels!
  5. Honorable mention to Pusher, as I did see him leaving his house, apparently to walk or run around 0630. 


  1. Prayers for those recovering from injury. 
  2. Continued prayers for many looking for work. 
  3. Praise for God's provision of new homes for YHC and Vegemite. God has richly provided!

Psalm 96:3 Declare his glory among the nations,
    his marvelous works among all the peoples!

…hope you got your money's worth!

