Shake it up

Event Date

Jul 24, 2018


8 showed up for a different sort of Vortex Q.  Zero running involved!  Strudel is the FNG.  Feels like I am missing one…sound off in the comments if I missed you.


  • SSH X 25IC
  • LCC X15IC
  • Merkin X 10IC
  • Cotton Picker X 10IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers X 15IC

Head to the back, grab a block, and come back to AO at bottom of parking lot.

Round 1:

  • Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear to top of parking lot and back
  • 5 IC – Block Curls/Squats/LBC/CDD/Toy Soldiers/Box Cutters

Round 2:

  • Crab walk/walk crab to top of parking lot and back
  • 10 IC – Same as above

Round 3:

  • Inch merkin worm to top – mosey back
  • 10 IC – Block Press/ISW/Freddy Mercury/Wide Merkin/Lunges/Slow Flutter

Round 4:

  • Monkey walk up to top of parking lot and back
  • 5 IC – Same as above – but 15 IC on Slow Flutter just to piss them off.

Take blocks back…Balance work time.

  • 10 Dippy Birds each leg
  • 1 min Cap'n Morgan pose with each leg


  • Glute Bridge Pulse X 15IC
  • JLo X 15IC
  • American Hammer


  • Lots of conversation on why the hell we need to do inch merkin worms
  • Dandelion saunters over to his truck mid work out to move some heavy chains from the bed to the inside of the truck…lot's of questions followed that.
  • Think I came up with a Metrodog workout…every type of movement was his favorite.
  • Skipper whined the entire time, i think, I tuned him out 2 min in.
  • Pleasure to lead today.