Shaking Fists at BOM

Event Date

Mar 15, 2022


11 of the fastest pax (including Igor who is too damn fast to be listed on the website) in Isotope held off the 6 that refused to catch up and do burpees. Here is their story:

YHC hates loves mornings like these. You got the Q. Up from from 0200 for 2 hrs. Finally fall asleep. Wake up at 0430 before alarm goes off thinking you missed the standard. Turn off the alarm relieved. Fall back asleep. Wake up at 0505. F$CK! Text Frodo. Run faster at 0514 to get it in. Oh good Hoodie made it for the standard to show Frodo where to go.


Run the damn thing. LET'S GO! Hard to the end of Townley whilst disclaiming all the glories that FKT will bring this morning. Gather the 6 and mosey to the Redcliffe Track. BOOM THE Hall Monitor is here! Thought Lego was BSing. Any other incogs? Hell no. They ain't showing up at FKT. They barely show up for The Caboose and then don't actually run The Caboose. GBs had to show up and walk every couple minutes and they were still nowhere in sight. Those guys used to do hard sh%t. Now they mostly drink coffee and eat donuts. Enjoy retirement Jolly, looks great on you. That's how you know THM isn't an incog. He's fresh off Belmonte and running fast again…strong brother.

Burpee up the Sharknado ladder…allegedly…adding a new exercise and reps with every hot lap on the Redcliffe Track hitting WWIIs, Dry docks of the Scorpion variety, Apolo Ohno, and LBCs. Finish with 20 burpees because Poptart is here.

Mosey back to the end of Townley and round out the burpees to 50 then hard back to the AO for hold its. Those 6 never caught us. Hot on our heels most of the morning but never quite caught up. The pax were smokin' this morning so no time to wait. You know they were movin' when fists are shaking in BOM. Thanks Lego for taking us out. And thanks to Frodo for the opportunity to Q FKT. Always an honor and a pleasure to lead the pax especially on a morning like this.

While the rest of Isotope was pigeoning, probably, FKT must go on. Paininsula too. Outlaw gets it. Hard things matter. Thats why we had to head to Cornelius this morning. Support our Tues brothers in Cornelius also doing hard things. If you haven't heard, we are converging for the forseeable future in LKN for any workout south of doing hard things. Well except when we're not. The pax need to be uncomfortable and not in the pigeon on your fellow pax sense. Run hard, do burpees, you get it.

Well most of you. Some of you anyways. If you haven't heard QRVIII is coming. Its your chance to hit the reset button. There is no better way to find a shieldlock than to lock shields under a log with your brothers. Yes it sucks. Its supposed to suck. Yes you will get wet, hopefully with hydro burpees. Thats the idea. Find the suck, embrace it, then work with your brothers to crush it and find some ACRT afterwards.

How do we bring the incogs back to that? The incogs being down is like Kentucky football sucking. The SEC is just not the sa…oh wait bad example. They are more like NC State basketball. Their motto is never give up, don't quit, but have you seen them lately? Exactly. Sadly Jimmy V isn't coming back but the Incogs need to. Isotope just isn't the same when Jolly and crew aren't flapping gums under a ruck.

Oh and Lottie can take a dump wherever she damn pleases because let's be honest, you aren't gonna catch up with her any time soon. So either clean up after the dog and enjoy your donuts or join your brothers and RUCK UP! Until the next time…

