Shapes on Davidson’s Campus

Event Date

Sep 12, 2019


8 Pax showed up earlly this morning to explore the various shapes in the paths on Davidson's campus. 

Warm up on the Green (man, was it already hot & humid).

Mosey along Main St to Triangle #1.  Run to first point, do 15x Carolina Dry Docks, run to second point, do 20x squats, run to third point of the triangle, do 25 LBC.  REPEATO 2x for 3 total times around.  

Mosey to left side of Chambers Building for Triangle #2 – Wait, this is actually a Diamond Shape! Q goof.  Bear crawl to 1st point, do 20 merchans, bear crawl to 2nd point, do 15 merchans, bear crael to 3rd point, do 10 merchans, bear crawl to 4th point (where we began), do 5x merchans.  Audible to skip 2nd time around & head to next "triangle".

Mosey to other end of Chambers building for Triangle #3.  Alternating lunge walk 1st side.  Walrus walk 2nd side.  Alternating lunge walk 3rd side.  

Mosey to right side of Chambers building for Triangle #4.  Run 1 time around the triangle, do 15x WWII situps.  Run 1 time around the trangle and to the next point (1st) from where we were before, do 15x WWII Sit ups.  Run 1 time around the trangle and to the next point (2nd) from where we were before, do 15x WWII Sit ups.  Run 1 time around the trangle and to the next point (3rd) from where we were before, do 15x WWII Sit ups.  

Mosey to the back of Chambers building for an OVAL!  Fast run around the oval followed by low flutter.  REPEATO 2x more times, for 3 total and a 15 star counting airborne mindbender after the 3rd lap.  

Indian run out to Concord Rd, back to Main St. and back to the Green for Mary & COT.


  • QSchool, this Saturday, 14 September, at 6:30am in the Davidson K-8 (Davidson Elementary) parking lot.
  • Continue to lift up the family of Mark Anthony, who passed away this week without having received a liver transplant.
  • QSource this Friday, 13 September, at 6:30am behind Summit Coffee.