Sharing a Q Does NOT Work Well ;)

Event Date

May 04, 2020


It looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel with regard to the pandemic. And a few courageous men decided to crawl out from underneath their covers and meet up at LFC for a Social Distancing beatdown.

Here's what we did:


Mosey to the pullup bars with butt kickers and karaoke along the way.

SSH / IST / Carrot Puller / Windmill / Mountain Climber / 10x IC Merkins


10x Pullups

10x IC Overhead Press

10x IC Curls

10x IC Block Squat

10x IC Block V-Up

10x IC Side LBC (Left/Right)

Run a Lap


Blocks Up



There is one thing that I have realized about myself, I do not like relinquishing the Q once a workout has begun.

Before we began the workout, The Force and I decided that we were going to share the Q for the workout. But after we completed the Warm-Up and I called out the first series of exercises, we collectively decided to "Repeat" the first set. And as the workout continued and we repeated it again a couple more times. And by the second go around it was evident that time had dwindled away from us and our workout was over.

Sorry gentlemen.

I would be remiss if I did not mention that The Force's 2.0, Zaire, did request a block workout because he wanted to lift heavy things. So I did my best to oblige him and the rest of the PAX. I don't think anyone was expecting that we were going to perform 4 sets of 10x IC BLOCK V-Ups. If you are looking for a challenge, give it a try.
