Sharing our Abundance

Event Date

Aug 05, 2017


7 PAX and 1 Dog.0 (Natasha) came out to give back their abundance……Skipper was at the helm



10 IC Shoulder Taps

10 IC Copper Head Squats

10 IC Windmills

Indian Run to Webbs Chapel Church (Last person sprint to front & IF Q calls your name you lead us in 5 IC of Merkin Variation

At the church (Penance):


1: Around the Church Run; 2: Table Dips

1: Church Run; 2: Incline Merks

1: Church Run; 2: Decline Merks

1: Church Run; 2: Table Merkin Crosses

Mosey to parking lot:

Line up, lay down on stomach, arms-length apart in a line…..

Each person in the line holds Superman pose, while first PAX weaves their way through the line alternating Bear Crawl forward and Crawl Bear backwards.

Repeat the procedure, but now the PAX in line performs a standard Plank while other PAX weaves their way through again via BC/CBear.

Mosey to Rock Pile:

1: 4-Corners of parking lot w/ 3 Burpees in each corner; 2: Rock Curls

1: Repeats 4-corners; 2: Trifectas

Indian Run back to AO; w/ some stops along the way for some Merkin variations



10 IC Box Cutters

10 IC Stranded Turtle

10 IC Freddie Mercury

:30 Mason Twist


(Paraphrasing)  Luke 12:15-21 – Parable of the Rich Fool:

"Watch out!  Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.  It is the story of a man who had a great crop produced that year.  However, it was too big to fit into his barn.  So he tore down the old barn and built a newer larger one.    To this God said to him, You Fool!  This very night your life will be demanded from you.  Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?  This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."  Good reminder to give back our abundance.  Are we building bigger barns to accomodate our excess?  


 – Holy humidity, I had to change after my standard

 – Always great to see Natasha the dog out there.  She can hang with the best of us.  Nice to see Theuss too of course, lol

 – 2 Mustangers finally realizing that SVU Saturdays are the place to be.  Diesel and Hefty threw it down.

 – Great to have Dandelion back.  Today he brought Ricky Bobby who is FNG1.

 – Metrodog, grease your wheels on that bike.  All my neighbors will thank you.

 – As always a pleasure to lead and be lead by you gentlemen