Sharknado 2.0 attacks the Dragonslayers

*Pistol in attendance, not on website

Quick Warmarama:

SSH, Cotton Pickers, a few Merkins

The Thang – Sharknado 2.0 with KB's.  5 Rounds of the following.  We stayed together with an option of a shorter lap so that we could all do exercises together each round:

12 burpees

Run about a .15 mile lap

20 KB Swings

Run same lap

20 hand release merkins

Run a lap

10 Tater Swing Presses (KB swing into a KB Squat to Press)

Run a lap

20 Bent Over Row

Run a lap

Repeat x 5

See if we can finish in 45 minutes

  • We landed right at 6:15.  Solid work by all the PAX
  • we got just about 2.8 miles in of running with all the exercises
  • Very little chatter today as i think it may have taken a lot of the PAX
  • Lift up all the unsaid prayers 

Thanks boys for the push, good to see Ty Webb and he brought Pistol and Luigi, hope you enjoyed.

See you next time,

Bam Bam