Sharknado Kettle Bell edition

Event Date

Apr 26, 2022

YHC is still relatively new to KB workouts so the creativity is either really strong, to the point where I'm making up exerices that probably should never be done with a KB, or I'm madifiying already established workouts like today.

0530 Launch

Warm a rama

Short and slow mosey over to the side of GCC

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 15 IC

Long Snapper x 10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 10 IC


The Thang

Sharknado- KB edition

5 Rounds of the following

– 10 Burpees

– 20 KB Curls

– 20 KB Overhead Press

– 20 KB Skull Crushers

– 10 KB Lawn Mowers each arm

– – – Run a lap after each exercise

10 More burpees before we head back

Mosey back to front of church for Mary

Mason Twist w/ KB x 20IC

Low Flutter w/ Chest Press x 10IC

Jane Fonda Left Side x 10 IC

Low Dolly w/ Chest Press x 10 IC

Jane Fonda Right Side x 10 IC

High Plank Lawn Mowers x 10 Each Arm

Recover Recover

Name o rama



  • Qbert and Uncle Rico's KB's ate another KB before the workout… those things are so heavy!
  • Flo was back after a few weeks and crushed with with his pup Roxy (?)
  • Estwing got the short end of the stick and had just finished 10 burpees when I called for 10 more… it happens!
  • Dingo and Big Montana held a nice conversation throughout, made me think of this:
  • Qberts final Q is at the Mighty Oak tomorrow, show up and show out! Sorry I can't be there!
  • The Blender needs Q's for May, sign up!
  • Thanks Flo for the opportunity to lead

Until next time……. Mr. H
