Sharknado makes it’s debut at the Glen.

Apparently, today was a great day for rucking, as we had 8 Pax who pre-rucked (Lear, Deep End, Chief,  Big Mean, Manhands, Brushless, Dolittle, and Cupcake). We also had one for the #standard run, Finger-Licking-Good. For the rest of us, our Saturday morning routine started with the usual mumblechatter, the welcoming of a guest from Greensboro (Butt Fumble) along with his guest (FNG Derrick), and Lear leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The rest goes like this.


Mosey to the lower parking lot (Bristol).

1 full lap of high knees, and a half lap of Butt Kickers.

YHC rambled through the F3 disclaimer, as well as our very Race City specific disclaimer. I finished the RCD exactly 34 seconds before it was needed. Whew, we may have to start saying that one first.


20 Windmills IC

20 Cotton Pickers IC


Mosey to the workout area.

The Thang

Oh Hell No! Oh Hell Yes! While scouring through BBs I found the Sharknado, and I thought it would be perfect for our group. The WO is a series of exercises with each one requiring a lap. One lap around the outside of the upper parking lot is .1 miles. The exercises are as follows:

15 Burpees

20 Diamond Merkins

20 WWIIs

20 Merkins

20 CDDs

The goal was to get 5 cycles done, about 2.5 miles. Well, the more this WO went along, the more it sucked. Lots of moaning and groaning. Omaha! To the Crack Shack for some dips, and then to the rock pile. 20 each – Curls, Presses, Skull Crushers. Two rocks to the left, repeato, and threepeato. A request was made from the Pax for additional rock work so Rent-a-cop led us with a series of Bent Over Rows, and Bench Presses. We returned our rocks, and headed back to the Crack Shack for a quickie set of Derkins. Mosey back to the upper lot for Mary which included LBCs, W's, and the Dying Cockroach.


Cupcake got short-changed last week. No Merkins. Hope I made it up to you today.

Great to have Butt Fumble from Greensboro bring his BIL to join us today. The importance of the Race City disclaimer became apparent 34 seconds into the WO causing a few Pax to lose it. 

Three FNGs again for the second week in a row. Race City the fastest expanding sub-region??? Maybe so.

Learned today that LBC is an abbreviation for Least Beneficial Crunch. Mind blown.

Cheyenne, Hooks, and Jacques joined us today, but they aren't in the drop down menu yet.

Thank you Lomax for bailing me out at the end. Pleasure to lead such a fine group. Amen.