Sharknado Shield

Event Date

Jun 16, 2018

Earlier in the week YNC pb the Sharknado at ELHS, some mentioned they were DR, and others simply avoided the area all together. For those who did join, including FNG-2 dubbed Marshmellow, fun was had by all. T-Claps to Fabio (FNG-2) who on his third post, brings Marshmellow along…Chris who is into family, reading (mostly motivational/self-help books, and is a former b-boy and dj.

To begin, with some highlights, in case your eye only views what's insight and scrolling isn't for you:

  • Hefty throws out a challenge late Friday to meet at Mustang and clown car w/bikes to SVU. Join SVU on their 0600 swim, then bike to Mustang, post for Sharknado, then complete the Shield Battle. Hefty sad-clowned the ~9 mile bike ride, but had a watchful eye as Ziploc headed to the AO.
  • On 6/16/2016 Local Firefighter Josh Lee Warren passed away while running at ELMS. Each year, following his death, the ELFD and the Joshua Lee Warren Foundation present the Battle of the Shields at ELHS. This year, the event was open to all, and a 5k was introduced.
    • 5k include our own Fabio, who just completed the Sharknado, and our SVU brother GoodWrench…who took the overall race win by a couple minutes.
    • ELHS Mustang had 5 PAX competing on Team F3: Hefty, Ziploc, Spork, Clark, and Clubber (YHC). Breezing through round one, the team lost in round two to none other than ELFD(3), who eventually finished in 2nd place behind a NCSHP team that loves Krispy Kreme, which included F3 PAX Blue Blaze. TCLAPs to Sonar and Fabio for sticking it out with us, and the F3 tent during the entire, rather hot, event. Also, to Goodwrench for taking the 5k crown and hanging with us through Rnd 1 of the relay.
    • Personal to YHC as Josh Warren was a family friend, and my VQ, two years ago, was the week after his passing.
    • This Battle raises money, were 100% raised, goes to all Lincoln County emergency operations, with FD first. Money is used for gear, tools, resources, etc. to support their efforts in protecting and serving us.
    • Shield relay:
      • 25 step ups with 25# 2 1/2" hose Hefty rnd 1 Ziploc rnd 2
      • 25 yard 100# hose pull/run, then half length hose, stationary pull to you Spork 1&2
      • 165# dummy drag Clark 1&2
      • Kiser rapid entry machine simulator YHC 1&2
      • Bucket brigade, collect water in buckets run to building and dump on roof until container fills All PAX 1&2

Okay back to the regular program Sharknado


  • 25 SSH IC
  • 15 MTN Climber IC
  • 15 Cotton Picker IC
  • Mosey to CSES est 400 yds

The Thing

All below is one rotation of the circuit, complete 5 in total.

  • 15 burpees
  • 1 lap around parking lot
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 1 lap
  • 20 WWI
  • 1 lap
  • 20 merkins
  • 1 lap
  • 20 scorpion dry docks
  • 1 lap

Everyone had some juice left so we took a mosey to the back of school and completed

  • 5 hanging toe touches
  • sprint 40 feet
  • 5 merkins
  • then 4, 3, 2, 1

Mosey back to AO and the LP

A crowd had formed to start the 5k, perfect time to step in between and complete Mary

  • Flutter kicks
  • Jane Fondas
  • Low Dollies
  • Dr. W.
  • ETK
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Merkin
  • Several more but my mind is slipping


Isaiag 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. they will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Seemed fitting given what we had just accomplished and what some were now about to take on, with the Shield event.


  • Sonar mentioned something about Fabio…mind is slipping what was that?
  • Hefty participating in, at least, four bb worthy events, but summed up into just one.
  • My heart was full to have this group come out and battle with me.
  • Josh, was in his mid-30s and left behind a wonderful wife and two small children. Personally, I am 1/2 mile away and a text or call 24/7 if ever she needs anything. I do know the FD provides all the support she will ever need, but I also know that we have touched her.
  • LT. Farmer from ELFD walked with me and was brought to tears, when he spoke about what F3 means to him. He has never posted, nor any of the crews, but he knows us well and what we do. He did committ to bringing his shift to post at ELHS one morning, while on duty. That would be a super special day.

All the best fellas
