Sharknado Touches Down at Hollywood

FNG-1 = Copper Top

YHC had a plan this morning. If a dozen pax showed up and there were no FNGs, we were gonna do something awful. Otherwise I had beatdown planned that was…less terrible. Sure enough the pax started rolling in and we had 11. A couple of late arrivals made us at 13. We moseyed to the parking lot next to the theater, disclaimer was given, and then we warmed up.


  • SSH X 20 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Mobility Minute

The Thang

Sharknado!! (all exercises are single count)

  • 15 burpees OYO
  • Run a loop around parking island (approx 0.13 miles)
  • 20 diamond merkins OYO
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 WWII sit-ups OYO
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 merkins OYO
  • Run around parking island
  • 20 scorpion dry-docks OYO
  • Run around parking island



Some random Mary thrown in at the end.



  • The pax were so thrilled to hear that we were doing the Sharknado. They had lots of nice things to say about YHC.
  • Cousin Eddie started running clockwise after the first set of burpees, so the Q told him to run….clockwise. Meant counterclockwise, the message hit though as Cousin Eddie corrected.
  • Cousin Eddie also complained that running counterclockwise was gonna screw him up. He then proceeded to destroy the Sharknado. Seemed fine to me.
  • Gnarly Goat and Jersey Boy will be starting FUEL next week. Unfortunately, YHC will be DR in Michigan for work but everyone should attend. Looking forward to attending later this month when work settles down.
  • Hollywood needs Qs in July and Deep Dish isn’t looking for another Sharknado. Sign up before I do!

Thank Deep Dish for the opportunity to lead. Thanks to all pax who came out and for sticking with the Sharknado. Happy 4th to all and I hope to see some of you at The General on Friday