Shart Week

Event Date

Aug 14, 2018

Six strapping specimens dared to venture outside during the first inaugural MILF3 Shart Week.  It left a mark.  One of the Pax actually managed to shatter their rectum during today’s proceedings, but that will be a story for another day, just not today.


Front skip, backwards skip, karaoka x 2, backwards run, SSH, TS, Windmills and cherry pickers

The Thang

Nothing says Shart Week quite like the Ricky Bobby 400

Ricky Bobby 400

  • 10 Burpees (bookend)

  • 20 Jump squats

  • 20 Mercans

  • 20 Freddie Mercuries

  • 20 Mountain climbers

  • 10 Burpees (bookend)

Indian Run twice around the parking lot, with a sprint option for the last 1/2 lap. We did this four times.


  • Trust is so important in a relationship. Especially when it involves trust in ones own orifice

  • While Grip was certainly happy to miss this one while on vacation, it was a tough one for El Tigre's first workout back

  • Princess cruise lines has a wave surf station on deck and a track around the top of the ship but alas, there were no burpees on board last week

  • We learned a few things today

    • Momentum is a term that describes a relationship between the mass and velocity of an object, and we can see this when it is written in equation form, p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass in kg and v is velocity in m/s. Because momentum is a vector quantity, this means it has both magnitude and direction

      • Use in a sentence: “Q’s momentum demonstrated on the homestretch sprint was more a function of mass than one of velocity

    • Fartlek, which means "speed play" in Swedish, is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training. Fartlek runs are a very simple form of a long distance run. Fartlek training is simply defined as periods of fast running intermixed with periods of slower running.

      • Use in a sentence: “How ironic is that the work fartlek was mentioned during Shart Week?

  • Board certified physicians recommend daily alcohol intake with a few clarifications. First is that moderation is the key. Second is that cough syrup does not count. Third is that drinking wine with dinner may cause bad nighttime dreams with visions of the Diablo

  • Nothing quite like the feeling of sprinting on the homestretch and passing someone right before the finish line. The fact that they happened to be walking did not cheapen the experience at all

  • The Ricky Bobby 400 is not what you would call easy, but it certainly does get you what you need

  • Great work men!