Shedding a Meniscus Tear

32 Davidson Pax assembled at the Green for an hour of fun on a humid Saturday.  Some gluttons for punishment including Duval had run a few miles before, but we did not let them off the hook because of that!

After a quick warm-up, we went to the track for a stairway to seven: 1..7 burpees, pullups, pushups, run up the stairs, squats.  Then we went corner to corner on the track for a buncha pushups, squats, Mary and more pushups.

Next we went to DUMC for a paver ladder 10 reps of each down to 1 of paver jump overs, paver pushups, bent over rows, presses and squats.  One more set of paver pushups for good measure then some Mary too.

Next to the pullup bars for 30-40 pullups each with a couple sets of bulgarian squats and decline merkins on the picnic tables, plus some jogging back and forth.

Then back to the green and that's really about it…doesn't sound so bad on paper, huh?

It was great to be out there with you guys, meniscus tear notwithstanding!  Maybe my MRI result was a hoax or a conspiracy put together by some nefarious anti-F3 forces!  Either way, I hope to be back to full strength in the near future working out with you guys more regularly!  But for now, I leave you with this workout and just want to say thanks for all the support!


Hadrian and Trajan may have built incredible aquaducts during the Pax Romana, but we had an FNG at our workout named Michael Baker who could have held his own with even the most respected emporers of ancient Rome. As Das Boot eloquently pointed out, our FNG can move some dirt with the best of them, and ran a company doing so in some hard times including during the recession of 2007. To honor Mike's skills and achievements, we named him Pig Pen (sorry DB).  Welcome to him and FNG Hope Solo (he's a girls soccer coach) as well as Pine Tar's friend Keith who was visiting from Atlanta. Also not listed above are Gilligan, Gekko, Babylon, The Bus and one more I can't read from my list. 

Thanks again and have a great weekend!