…..She’s Buying a Stairway to Seven……in Installments…..

18 (above plus Napster, Sea Biscuit, Whirlie, Heister and 1 other) convened in perfect beat down weather.  YHC had proactively arranged a sub (OBC) during the third beer of the Panthers game Sunday but ended up rallying this morning in part due to falling asleep during the mind numbingly boring performance of the men in teal.  Glad I did, though not sure the PAX agreed.

In honor of Robert Plant's recent birthday (just turned 69 in August), we split up the F3 classic.  Here was the beatdown:

Run to Chambers, stretch, run to track

SW27 (A)- 1, 3, 5, 7- burpees, inclines at bottom, squats at top (tight concert pants heard ripping)

Intermission A- WWII situps, Mason Twist, Heels to Heaven (all IC x 15), 5 burpees, run to other end of stadium stairs

SW27 (B)- 2, 4, 6- burpees, inclines, squats, run to opposite 50 on track

Intermission B- same as A, then run to stairs

SW27 (C)- 1, 3, 5, – burpees, inclines at bottom, squats at top.  Band sucking wind by now.

Intermission C- same as A and B (Song Remains the Same), run to other end of stadium stairs

SW27 (D)- 2, 3, 4- burpees, inclines, squats, run to opposite 50 on track

Intermission D- same as A, then run back to Green for more Mary and COT.


70 burpees (R Plant plus 1) and almost two entire Stairways seemed brutal until I read Swing State's backblast.  Great job by all- hard work with a bunch of laughs (TWSS).  Stumpjumper recognized Devo and entire Bike MS team for kicking ass this weekend and 3-way lifted up his brother who is undergoing a lifelong treatment for a rare disease affecting muscles in his upper body and neck.  Turning 52 on Saturday and never felt stronger and more fortunate- thanks to all for that….have a great week.