She’s Got Legs

FNG-1 = Scott Gordan, a 1st post friend of Hippie's.

YHC signed up to Q at Gladiator several weeks ago, maybe even months ago.  Still, that did NOT mean YHC had a plan as of yesterday.  So YHC did what I always do, I stole a workout.  From a prior one I've Q'd?  No.  From a fun workout another Pax recently led?  No.  Stole this one from my wife!  (In case anyone was wondering about the Backblast Title)

It went something like this:

0455:  Write in chalk the exercises my wife had texted me.  When something was unclear (what is a "Curtsy Lunge" anyway?) YHC just substituted something else.

0510:  Went for a short warm-up run in the parking lot, ran into Goodlife for a bit.



  • Mosey around the parking lot, including high knees, butt kickers, Quadraphilia up the hill towards Ranson, and some Karaoke.  We ended near the blocks and all grabbed 1 each.
  • Disclaimer given.
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Long snappers x 10 IC
  • Toy soldiers x 10 IC

The Thing (as outlined in chalk):  All exercises were on your own (OYO).

  • Squats x 100
  • Lunges x 90 (should have written "Walking Lunges", Cobains)
  • Mountain Climbers x 80
  • Glute Bridges x 70
  • Calf Raises (on your block) x 60
  • Step Ups (on your block) x 50, I.E. 25 each leg
  • Jump Squats x 40
  • Broad Jumps x 30
  • Jump Over Blocks x 20
  • Burpees x 10
  • Chest Press x 50
  • Curls x 40
  • Overhead Press x 30
  • Bent Over Rows x 20
  • Burpees x 10


  • Low Flutters x 15 IC
  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Crunchy Frog x 15 IC
  • Elbow plank x 1 minute
  • Curls x 10 IC, put blocks away
  • Mosey towards the cars
  • Hold 6 inches until time

Recover, recover.  We covered about 0.89 miles according to Strava.  Some maybe slightly more or less. 


  1. Check the Preblasts page for many great events coming up in LKN.
  2. A hearty welcome to FNG Scott Gordan!  He lives closer to Mountain Island Lake apparently, but nonetheless we told him where some of the awesome workouts in Isotope are.  Does that make us 'tribal' or something?  Yes!  Thank you Hippie for bringing him out today.
  3. Liger had some thoughts on how YHC could've better color coordinated the chalk writing.  Good tips.  Here's a tip for you:  Lawnmowers are NOT the same as Bent Over Rows!  I jest buddy. 
  4. Hippie's suggestion was to have the # of reps written in a neater column or something clever.  I'm liking the OCD buddy…let's compare spreadsheets lol.  Thanks for hanging with Scott and thanks to everyone for encouraging him today.
  5. Bob Ross and YHC both missed Titan yesterday.  Cobains.  Bob Ross, my strategy was to sign up for 3 upcoming Titan Qs to ensure I don't do that again!  Care to grab one yourself?
  6. Jenny was leading the pack today.  Strong work.  But I think everyone's Broad Jumps on the way back were a little shorter than the way out, yes?  Liger joked that they had to all be exactly the same distance and I think he's the only one who achieved that.
  7. Estwing's VQ is next Wednesday, 28-July; at The Mighty Oak.  Please come out and support him!  YHC joked that he could run any ideas by me to ensure the workout is "scrawny guy friendly".  Not sure if he'll take me up on that or not?
  8. Great coffeeteria after with a few Pax from Gladiator and a few from Fallout.  Chatted with Goodlife for 45 minutes and could always pick his brain for hours.  Great catching up bud.  I think you were the only one who appreciated the Burpees today?
  9. Carpet Bagger, I won't even mention that you were late…er whoops.  Appreciate your great crew of regulars here (even if some were missing) and appreciate that you are an awesome MQ.  I mean folks, if you want to get on the calendar for Gladiator then 31-Aug is currently the next available date as I write this.  Outstanding work, and thanks for letting me lead.

It was simple, but hopefully effective today gents.  Always a pleasure to lace them up with the men of F3.
