Shirley Special

Event Date

Feb 06, 2021


Only 3 of us managed to arrive at the AO for fun this cold morning. I'm starting to think people don't like my Q's!!!!

Warm up


15 IC Windmills

10 IC Ski Abs

10 IC Merkins

10 IC Mountain Climbers

10 IC Dippy Birds

Mosey to the back for a Dead Hang competition, then get Michelle and roll her up to the AO.

The Thang

3 Station Heavy Stuff – 100# anvil carry around the parking lot, 15# sledge hammer swings, 96# sandbag lifts onto the tailgate of my truck. The anvil carry is the timer and then everyone switches. Round One!

"Like a River" – listen to Bishop Brigg's sng, "River" in a plank and do a Merkin every time she sings, "Like a River" (35 total)

Round 2 of the 3-Station-Heavy-Stuff

Trail Run

Break – a little fun – place a tennis ball on the ground and line up about 4 yards from it. Two men face away and one man faces the ball. When the man facing the ball moves, the other 2 run away. The man facing the ball picks it up, whirls around, and tries to bean one of the runners. If he hits (way to go Cheetah), then the runners do 10 burpees each. If he misses, then the thrower does 10 burpees. Played 2 rounds, only 1 hit! Lots of burpees done by all.

Round 3 of the 3-Station-Heavy-Stuff

Trail Run

Round 4 of the 3-Station-Heavy-Stuff

"Like a River"…..much to everyone's enjoyment

Return Michelle to the back and have another hang competition

Back to AO for one final event, 30 second handstand holds. 1 PAX handstands while the other 2 hold his legs (best done in winter when everyone is wearing leggings). Be careful getting back up, the headrush is REAL!


I was looking through a book by Bruce R. McKonkie called "Seeking the Spirit". In it he provided a "Spiritual Bill of Rights". The "1st Amendment" is that all blessings are predicated on obedience to the Gospel. The same miracles and acts of faith that existed in The Bible are available to us today. The "stories" we read in The Bible are not some trophies on a shelf won by others that we are not allowed to touch. We have faith to save us, faith to heal, faith to move mountains (both literal anf figurative) here today if we will work to be obedient and to understand God's will. 

If we stand as honorable men, God will help us to do mighty works in the midst of troubling times.


Congrat's to Cheetah for getting through the River complete! It's rough, for sure.

So glad to have Salty back! He should be checked off as a legit firefighter real soon. He's been working on his classes and certifications for the last year and is just a couple sign-offs away. Thanks for serving your community. 

NOTE: For those of you that might be interested, becoming a volunteer firefighter is well within your reach. You have to take a series of classes and pass tests, but you can spread it out over time and integrate it into your life pretty effectively. Talk to your local station if interested. They are always looking for help.

FINAL NOTE: Shirley let us know he wouldn't be with us this am due to work, but challenged me to not take it easy on the guys. Hoping I lived up to his request!

Have a great week – always an honor to lead.
