Shoeless Popcorn and the Pool Jump

I appreicate all that showed up on a chilly Wednesday night in April. We had hoped for a warm April but we got a night in the 50s. 

We ran down to the new bridge to do a quick ladder (merkins and squats) We got the fun of watching shoeless Popcorn running down the street. He has learned that a pool workout still requires shoes. 

Once we got back we circled around the pool with everyone with a block and everyone called out their favorite workout. I did not want to be the bad guy so gave the PAX the option to call a jump in the pool for their item and if PAX didnt jump in it was 10 burpees. Props to those that call the jump in as the water was warmer than the air. 


  • Bring shoes going forward 
  • Ribs came out perfect, the group put down 4.5 racks 
  • Shirt still smells like smoke from the firepit


Next Pool Workout 5/19