48 of the finest F3 Isotope NoCo'ers I have ever met showed this fine morning to bid Shoe adieu. I took over the helm this day from Moop Dog to steer this Viking ship at North Meck Park.

Warm-up: SSH, Glute bridge, cotton pickers, invisible jump rope

The Thang: 

  • Run to rock pile: Grab rock of course
    • Overhead press x 15
    • Curtsy squat x 15
    • Curl x 15
    • Skull Crusher x 15
  • Run to soccer field parking lot and partner-up
    • Partner 1 takes left parking lot and partner 2 takes right parking lot
      •  Suicides per parking space and do 10 merkins each partner 1
      • Suicides per parking space and do 10 Carolina Dry Docks each partner 2
      • Switch sides
      • Repeato
  • Circle up and do:
    • Glute Bridge x 15
    • LBC's x 20
  • Run back to rock:
    • Overhead Press x 15
    • Curtsy Squat x 15
    • Curl x 15
    • Skull Crusher x 15
  • Back to starting parking lot for Mary
    • Mason Twist x 15
    • The W x 15
    • Glute Bridge x 15
    • LBC's x 15

The Naked Moleskin:

  • Wow, 48 dudes, and a couple of NoCo convergences too, for me, how humbling…
  • HighRoller back from deployment in Afghanistan. We honor you and your service, thank you is not nearly enough from any of us, but thank you, our friend. Really good to see you back!
  • Not sure that I have heard heckling at this level, and I know heckling. Let me try and explain why: Jolly Roger, Mini Me, Dallas, Free Pass, Outlaw, Titan, 9 Lives Crimson, Hippie, The Geek, M-16, Thug, Kingfish, Callahan, BlackBeard, Moses and Calypso, that is why!
  • I have known some of you for over 4 1/2 years, others longer, some very recent, but the impact that all of F3 Nation has made on me is immeasurable, thank you all.
  • I am moving to S Charlotte for my family, to spend less time in the car and maximize our time together while I can, Cole is 15 and Alec is 13. For good bad or indifference, this seems like the right thing to do, although it is bittersweet. I love my old house that I sold in 6 hours and got over asking price for, I love the LKN area, I love my friends, you all, the F3 Pax.
  • I will continue to post and Q in S. Charlotte, perhaps there will be as many heckler's present, I don't know yet… My goal will also be to post once per week in NoCo too. I am sure you guys will hold me accountable to this and please do. I am Q'ng on July 9th, I believe as well at the Mighty Jungle with Blackbeard, so I am not gone just yet my friends!
  • For now, I do bid you all adieu
  • For now, I do thank you all for the laughs
  • For now, I do thank you all for the beatdowns
  • And for now, have a great 4th of July my friends!
