Short Circuit – Part Deux

Event Date

Feb 03, 2020

So, apparently, many of you did still have some excuses left.  4 hearty souls defeated the fartsack and took on the gloom for a simplifed, short circuit.  Sort of made up on the fly.  It went something like this.


20 IC Side Straddle Hops

10 IC Cotton Pickers

10 IC Mountain Climbers

1 lap warm-up mosey

The Thang

Head to the entrance of the tennis courts.

– 20 step-ups (10 each leg) at the picnic tables

– Run across the parking lot the the first chute

– Quadraphelia up one segment around the island

– Run back to the picnic tables

– 20 dips

– Enter the tennis courts for a lap around

– Back out to the tables to begin the next round.

– Repeato, Repeato…

After about 5 or 6 laps of that, we swapped the exercises to 20 incline merkins and 20 LBCs and did a few more laps


– 20 IC LBCs

– 5  IC Dr. W

– 10 IC American Hammer


Psalm 41:2-4 

The Lord protects him and keeps him alive; he is called blessed in the land; you do not give him up to the will of his enemies. The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health. As for me, I said, “O Lord, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against you!”

Seemed an appropriate reference as yesterday/today marks one year since my heart attack. 

As I look back over that year, the one thing that keeps coming to mind is that I want to go back to those first few days and weeks afterward.

A time when my priorites changed for the better and the fog of all of the distractions of this fallen world temporarily lost any importance to me. 

A time when I recognized how unbelievably fortunate I am to have a family that loves me. 

A time when what I already knew to be true showed itself through the love and prayers of my F3 brothers.

A time when I realized that, no matter the outcome of my Earthly situation, I was going to be all right because my Lord and Savior had already provided for the next step in my journey.

I must admit that I have failed somewhat to maintain that outlook.  The world crept its way back in and it took my focus off of what is important – as it does with all of us – and I need to work on fixing that. 

I don't need another heart attack to do that for me – although if that was what was needed, I would do it in a heartbeat (pardon the pun).

Gentlemen, don't wait until life throws you for a loop before you take time to examine where your focus is and what your idols are.  (steps down from soapbox)


Beautiful weather this morning!

Small turnout but large efforts by all.  

Marker and Boucher just kept churning out the laps.

Mater was tearing it up pretty well before he latched on to the Q to make sure he wasn't slacking.  Thanks for the push.

As always, it's a honor to be allowed to "lead" and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.