short cup of Java

Lone Star did not disappoint as he showed up as expected at 5:31.

did some Warmarama at Sbucks while we waited for Pax to arrive.  Then off to Walgreens for more warmups.

We stayed true to my plan with plenty of core work, but I inadvertently shortened the run more than planned to around 2.17 miles.  The usual is a 5k.  Sorry fellas.

Each stop included 10, then later 15 WWII’s OYO.

Tried out a lot of Air Streams Doggie Fire Hydrants, back leg kicks, etc.  thanks for all the new ideas Air Stream!

I guess the 16 shoulder touch Merkins (2x) caused some pain and gain!  And we did them without Snake Eyes present.  We also did some Crunchy Frogs without Stromboli.

This was Gambini’s first Java!  Keep coming back to it brother, but expect about one more mile of distance!

Glad to see Frogger get through the whole distance.  Keep healing up brother.

Get signed up for Operation Sweetooth!  We prayed out for ill parents.

Be good and God Bless boys.