Short Jaunt Around Davidson

15 Pax showed this AM, the 12 Pax listed above plus Heister & one other (my apologies..should have posted this earlier in the day when it was fresher on my mind!).


Warmup on the Green – SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, Squat, Peter Parker, Merchans. 

Mosey to wall behind Summit for a little up and down (literally and figuritively) – Seated Tuck, Decline Merchans, Alt. Step-Up, Incline Merchans, Left Leg Bulgarian Squat, Dips, Right Leg Bulgarian Squat, Incline Merchans, Alt. Step-Up, Decline Merchans, Seated Tuck.

Mosey down Farmer's Market parking lot, up Jackson, across to DUMC to grab a paver & circle up.

Curls, Skull Crushers, Bentover Row, OH Press, (on 6) Lying Press, – All 15x IC – WWII Sit-ups w/ Paver 10x OYO, Low Flutter x30 IC.

Run 1 lap around parking lot.

Curls, Skull Crushers, Bentover Row, OH Press, (on 6) Lying Press, – All 12x IC – WWII Sit-ups w/ Paver 10x OYO, Low Flutter x25 IC.

Mosey to Wall for People's Chair – Normal for a while, Right foot on Left knee for a bit, Left foot on Right knee for a bit longer, then back to regular with Air Press.  Around 2 min total I think – I lost track of time.  Quick B2W before heading back to pavers. 

Curls, Skull Crushers, Bentover Row, OH Press, (on 6) Lying Press, – All 10x IC – WWII Sit-ups w/ Paver 10x OYO, Low Flutter x20 IC. Had a few extra minutes to demoed woodchopper – 10 each leg.

Put 'em up & head back to Green.

Plank – Dips x20 IC.  Mary = 1 leg out LBC R/L; H2H, Freddy Mercury, Alternating V-Ups, High Plank, J-Low.


The Pax did an awesome job this moring and I'm always glad to be back to Q'ing after a season of running…BRR, Tuna Ultra & Basin Run.  Thanks all who showed up for the motivation, freiendship & fellowship!


