Shortened Bedrock, Mother Nature had a her own ideas!

Event Date

Apr 22, 2023


4 gathered for this mornings shortened Bedrock beat down. The weather was perfect for the first 35 minutes but The Lord had a different plan for us this morning so we listened and called it. 

Moseyed from parking lot to football field picking up a rock “your mother would be proud of” on the way. After disclaimer we started with warm-up, making sure we where ready to run and train.

The Work

6 x 110 yd sprints, each sprint followed by 10 Mericans.

Battling ropes with before mentioned rock exercises.

1 Pax on the ropes the other Pax doing 20 repetitions of bicep curls, FW raise, skull crushers, chest press, diagonal rock toss, single leg dead lift; rotating positions after each set.

Moseyed to steps: double time up steps x 4 sets with 10 Mericans at top after each ascent

After 4th ascent the Lord had a change of plans for us, we decided with some encouragement from all Pax members to continue under the safety of Broadway, collected battling ropes, cones and rocks and headed for parking lot with a pep in our step. After meeting in Broadway with thunder and lightning moving in quickly the Pax decided coffee would be in our best and safest interest. Pax ran there fastest 11o yd sprint of the day from Broadway to parked cars with rain and lightning all around. 

After a drive to local coffee joint that included rain, hail and lightning we gathered in safety for coffee.

Missed out squat routine and mobility work, to be done next time.

Appreciate my 3 brothers working with me this morning, always good spending time with Chilly Willy, Moses and WF! 

Did want to leave the Pax this morning with one thought to carry with them this week.

From St. Paul to the Romans.

” Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good.”

Possum, thank you for the opportunity,
