Shot Put worlds

Event Date

Apr 16, 2022


Just realized while creating this BB that, besides YHC, the participating pax all have nicknames tied to a movie /tv character.  

0700 – normal warmup exercises 

0705 – run to the Raiders outdoor obstacle course behind the Hough track.  YHC drove due to bum knee. 

0715 – circuit of monkey bars every rung, mud-run style dip bar crossing, pull-ups with perfect form, flip the tire, burpees, farmer's carry, and shot put competition.  Repeat a few times.  Mr Holland threw the shot put the furthest but admitted that his technique may not have met the official rules.  If so, then Uncle Rico won.

Run back to the AO, (I drove), for some Mary and more merkins.  
Next week Popcorn has the Q and we'll be playing basketball so wear your Jordan's.  
Grey Ghost out.