Shoulder Work Ahead

And Soldier makes it a total of 13 PAX



Parking lot Mosey – Zig Zag around islands

*Q lays down weinke for the mosey, upon return a PAX has snatched it up.  Muhahaha!  The Q was ready for 'em.  Once Closer was caught with the Weinke the Q had him flip it over and read aloud the red highlighted text which read:

Anyone who steels this weinke will promptly return it to the Q, then recite to the PAX: "You must all do 5 prison burpees immediately because I was goofing off during C#'s workout!"

The PAX were not pleased… muhahaha!

15 IC      IST

20 IC      SSH

10 IC      Windmills Cotton Pickers

10 IC      Touch ground Cotton Pickers

6 OYO    Pick-up squats with alternating leg crosses (for practice)

Arm circles, small to large, front then back

The Thang

3 Min. Burpee Circle – Take balls down to practice field, get in groups of four, five if needed.  Get groups into circles.  Pass ball to the left and complete a burpee before it gets back around to you.

Mosey to rock pile and select a curl rock, then run with rock back up to front field and drop off rock.

Mosey back to rock pile get two smaller rocks (softball size), then run to front field and drop with your other rock. (leave them there for now)

Form 2 lines face each other: (shift to throw everyone off)

Chipper: (you and your partner chip away at the number of exercises)

100 pick-up squats with alternating leg crosses. (plank until all complete) – Shift partner

100 Merkins (plank until all complete) – Shift partner

50 Prison Burpees (burpee with a starjack in place of jump)

Circle up with rocks

1.      10 IC (6 count) – small rock in each hand, touch ground, stand up, rocks to chest, rocks to air, rocks to chest, down

2.      10 IC lateral raises with small rocks. – raise arms out to side 90 degrees

3.      10 IC front raises with small rocks. – raise arms out to front 90 degrees

4.      10 IC kick backs with small rocks. – squat low, and swing rocks back behind you.

5.      10 OYO – plank position with small rock in R hand. Slow raise to 90 degrees

6.      10 OYO – plank position with small rock in L hand. Slow raise to 90 degrees

7.      Switch to Big Rock to pound out some curls

8.      5 IC Curls, rotate left, 5 IC curls, rotate left, 5 IC curls, rotate left, 5 IC curls. (that’s 40 total with variety of rock sizes)

9.      10 IC lateral raises with small rocks. – raise arms out to side 90 degrees

10.   10 IC front raises with small rocks. – raise arms out to front 90 degrees

11.   5 IC Curls, rotate left, 5 IC curls, rotate left, 5 IC curls, rotate left, 5 IC curls. (that’s 40 total with variety of rock sizes)

Mosey to rock pile to return big rock, then go back to get small rocks and return them too.

Partner up at Australian Bar

10 OYO Angel Wings (partner holds your feet), switch and repeat


Guantanamo: Pax in a circle on their backs heels up. First pax jumps up and pushes the feet down around the circle fighting to keep legs off the ground. Followed by next pax in line then hit the ground legs up when back to your start position until last man finishes the circle.  

Chipper:  with your new partner: 200 LBC


Proverbs 3:5 (KJV)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

*This is a favorite of mine as I sometimes find myself trying to over analyze things.


  • PAX confused today when we went for rocks, then wait what?  Go back for more rocks?
  • PAX also in the habit of using rocks where we found them, wait what?  we have to run with the rocks?
  • Hornets were found in the rock pile!  ALL BE WARE!!
  • When Weinke goes missing, Q accuses Clubber and Closer the two usual pranksters.  Q was prepared!
  • Cutler (for those who are not familar, he is a dog) plays in a puddle, pees in it, then continues to play.  Might have even gave it a taste. 
  • PAX point out that I have a lot of basketballs.
  • 3 PAX went for a double down at Burn Bootcamp.
  • First time (that I know of) that we have done SSH while running sideways.  But that's what happens when someone yells out, "hey we are running?  We always start with SSH?" Q accomodates.