Shoulder work at The Estate

* Also in attendance:  Starkist (not registered on website)  2-Jun update:  Added Starkist as I see his name in the PAX list now.

12 men joined YHC in a workout designed to build our shoulders.  The workout was even harder for everyone whose Carolina Dry Docks don't closely resemble Mericans…sorry, I'm embarrassed and ashamed!  Here's how it all went down at The Estate:

06:59:  Pledge of Alligiance.

Mosey to the top of the school parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.

Circle up in front of the school.  Quick Disclaimer


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Arm Circles

The Shoulder Thang:

  • Crawl bear the grass hill in front of the school
  • CDDs x 10 OYO at top
  • Lunge walk down hill, LBCs x 10 OYO
  • Repeato all of the above

Mosey south along the school, stopping at the back playground for:

  • Pull-ups x 10 OYO
  • CDDs x 10 OYO
  • Repeato both exercises above

Continue run around the back of the school, stopping at the benches for:

  • Jump ups onto the benches x 20 OYO  (shaky!)
  • Decline shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC  (Mumblechatter heard:  "we don't combine those 2 things")

Run to the cinder block pile and grab a full block.

  • Zamporini carry to the bottom soccer field (needlessly far away!)
  • Block jump-overs x 20 OYO
  • Use blocks for inclined shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Front shoulder press x 10 IC
  • Zamporini carry back

(Grumbles from the PAX that that was a long way to carry blocks for just 3 exercises.  Good thing I added the third on the fly or may have gotten punched!)

Return cinder blocks, grab 2 bricks.  Circle up for:

  • Front shoulder raises x 15 IC
  • Hold up bricks for “High 5s”
  • Side should raises x 10 IC

Return bricks, run a speedy lap around the track to get our heart rates up.  Then:

  • Crawl bear up the hill by the track
  • CDDs x 10 IC
  • Lunge walk down hill, LBCs x 25 IC
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Repeato all of the above

Run a speedy lap around the track.


YHC thought everything above here would take roughly 55 minutes.  It didn't!  So YHC made some stuff up on the fly and was honest about it:

Repeato lap around the track.

People's chair with air presses x 25 IC.

Circle up for Mary:

  • Plank, R arm up, L arm up.  HOLD for:
  • Shoulder touch Mericans x 10 IC
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Again we had more time than I envisioned, and I was nearly spent, so the PAX helped out:
  • Infinity (courtesy of Mini Me)
  • Mason Twists (Professor)
  • Homer to Marge (Lawn Dart, skipped Junk for reasons unknown, sorry!)
  • Back to Junk for spell the alphabet…first in Greek which is difficult if you can't picture the letters in your head, ha
  • Crunchy Frog (Ultraman) x 25 IC but much less for everyone not named Ultraman who couldn't keep up!
  • Makhtar N'Diaye (Sponge Bob)
  • Hip Dips x 8 left side x 9 right side? (The Force)
  • Silent Plank x 1 min in honor of Christina

Recover, recover.  Total distance was 1.92 miles according to my Garmin.  Link below:


  1. Welcome to FNG Gus!  Gus is a cross fit guy, so he'll probably never know the pain of suffering through the first F3 workout, since he's already in great shape. Come back for a second workout to get your F3 name!  Thank you Starkist for bringing him out.
  2. The Force is tall.  And funny.  With his bricks held over his head and my shoulders tired, I couldn't reach his for High 5s.  And almost hit him in the face…that would have been embarrassing.
  3. Can always count on Ultraman for honest counts and more reps during Mary than anyone else can do.
  4. Ramrod's decision to cancel The Beacon = our opportunity to have Firestone and Junk join us.  Great to have you guys.
  5. Successful EH at the Carrington Ridge pool the day before for Lawn Dart to join us.  Next time come on out for Excelsior too bud!
  6. Speaking of Excelsior, Sponge Bob and Mini Me could not be caught there, great work!
  7. Mini Me:  Comedian, Fast runner, demonstrater of good CDD form.  How I managed to get 9 months into F3 and not get called out for my poor CDD form is beyond me…thanks Mini Me!  Also, the very slightest change in voice inflection and Mini Me says "Halt"…lol. 
  8. Great work by BurVegas.  Didn't hear much mumble chatter, just hard work, unless he was drowned out by Mini Me.
  9. Smash on a normal day = beast.  Smash on a day with an extra hour of sleep = BEAST.  He claims to have broken a sweat but I didn't see it.
  10. Thank you Professor for the opportunity to lead.  I promise I'll plan for more than 50 minutes next time if you let me come back.

We lifted up Olive's family and our brother from Denver whose 14 year old daughter passed away.

Great work by all.