Shoulders and Such

Sausage King is not selectable from the population of registered PAX.  He was there today, and he did more work than everybody, as we would find out at the end.  More on that later…

The Pax arrived on time.  We went moseying around the parking lot, twice, then to the back lot for COT

COT  (all in cadence)

  • SSH x25
  • IST x15
  • WM x12
  • Cotton Picker x10
  • Mountain Climber x11

Remain in plank position and bear crawl forward to tighten the circle.  While the pax is planking, each member sprints around the circle counter clockwise until all have finished.  Good shoulder smoker for all.

Partner up, grab an ant farm block and mosey across the street  (Q rolls ankle, walks it off) for burnouts.

Partner one does curls, partner two does Crunchy Frogs to exhaustion.   Switch.

Partner one does bent over rows, partner two does Merkins to exhaustion.  Switch

Partner one does something I don't remember, partner two does skull crushers to exhaustion.  

One lap mosey around the building.


Bring blocks to back of building, remain with partner.

Parnter one does Curls, partner two runs to B-Ball hoop and does 5 Beginner Burpees, switch.


Partner one does Bent Over Rows, Partner two runs, does 15 Carolina Dry Docks,  switch.


Partner one does skull crushers, partner two runs, does 25 LBCs.  switch


Return the blocks to the rear of the Spring Place where people start work at 0600.



  • Plank
  • J-Lo x10 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x10 IC

Recover Recover


Didn't realize till the end that Sausage King didn't have a partner, and didn't alert the Pax to this discrepancy.  As a result, he did both sides of every single partner pairing.  A beast.

Major T-Claps to Pyle to volunteering to Q at Monster Mile next week!   Everybody needs to get there for his VQ.

Lear and his Gun met us at Chick fil-A for the coffeeteria.  They had eggs.

A great morning with a great crowd.  Good luck to the BRR runners who are tapering this week for the big event this Friday and Saturday.  I'm going to miss being out there with you guys.

Thanks Finger for going on medical leave so I could step in and lead today.  It was an honor!

Prayers for Tick Tock, and for Stroker Ace's friend's family.