Showers and Bidets

Not registered, Brisket!

It was a muggy morning at The Cauldron, but that didn't stop 10x of LKN's HIMs to come out and see what all the fuss was about.  The PB showed a young couple in a shower (no nudity, of course) with promises of the M having to shower with their HIM after the workout.  So interest brought them out.  The goal was to do a hard enough workout that the PAX couldn't lift their arms, let alone wash their hair.  So how did we go about the anti-soccer arm workout? 

First of all, YHC kept the promise of no running.  Music was played throughout, well, atleast most of the time when my old iPhone wasn't locking up.  


Arm Circles, forward, and back, arm stretches, loosen up!

Cotton Pickers and IST x15 IC

The Thang

With the stop watch running on the phone, we got down to business.  Each excercise was done OYO for 1 minute, with 20 seconds between each set. 

KB swing


Full curl

Skull Krusher

High curl

Single arm swings

Jerk and Press

Low curl

Reverse lunge

Suitcase pickup

Hot Potatoe

Overhead press


Chest press



WW2 with bell

Big Boy Situps

Mason twists


Jane Fonda x20

Shoulder touch merkins

Downward dog


Recover recover


The Moleskin


To my amazement, was actually able to each workout only once and didn't have to repeat.  Mumble chatter was strong throughout the workout, especially Frogger.  He wins the Mumble Chatter award for the day!


Brisket had a strong showing, posting several times in this first two weeks of joining F3. 


Lawn Dart almost got a new name, Bidet.  He spoke often of the fine appliance and all but gave a demonstration of it's use.  Makes you want to go out and get one yourself!


The Force brought two kettlebells just to make sure he got a good enough workout.  Luckily, most of the excercises, after a minute, were hard enough you only needed one.  Lawn Dart was happy to borrow one. 


Rocket made a strong showing, Qing the Wilderness yesterday and coming out just in time to The Cauldron this morning.  Looks like his trip to Italy was good for him! 


Thanks to Ultraman for the ride to the workout, and coffee, and the chance to lead.  Always a good time at the Cauldron!


TG sends,
