Shredder Returns for Stairs and Block Fun

Event Date

Apr 16, 2022


I pulled into the parking lot about 20 minutes early to catch a run and noticed an unfamiliar vehicle.  Stretched a bit and took off for a little warm up run, wondering if the occupant was a new guy, a new vehicle, or a local runner meeting up with other non-F3 guys.  After a little run, I returned to find a dear friend from the past, SHREDDER!  So good to see you brother.  Altogether, 5 emerged from the gloom, excited for the warm weather…little bit of trepidation for the potential rain at the end.  Here's how it went down…

SSH, mountain climbers, windmills, alternative lunges, dippy birds, merkins around the clock

Quick Parking Lot fun:
high knees up (+ mosey back), butt kickers, karaoke both ways

Knowing I had an A/B/flipflop kinda plan, we ran to the back playground, 10+ pull ups, and grabbed 3 blocks.
5 guys, 3 blocks (33#), 1/2 mile run to the stairs.  Figure out a rotation.  Run together as much as possible.

69 stairs (yes, I've counted)
A runs down, does 5 burpees, runs back up / B does trifectas / flipflop
A down, 5 deep squats, up / B merkin t-planks / flipflop
A down, 5 merkin opp toe touches / B WWI's / flipflop
A down, 5x alt lunges, up / B push press/rows / flipflop
A down to end of dock, up / B Bennifers / flipflop

Struggle bus back to the AO, much faster rotations this time
Return blocks
Name-o-rama, reflection
Good times

Reflection:  Matthew 28: 5-8
5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. See, I have told you.”
– Sunday morning, the women came to the tomb, only to find the rock rolled away, and the angel gave them these words.  A couple things stuck out that I hadn't thought of before.
– Come, see…consider the evidence of Christ in your life or others' lives that you've seen.  Your witness will be perhaps your most powerful influence to others, and you have to know the specifics of your story.  Not just, "it was amazing."  Help others understand how lost you were, how broken you may have been, how deep in sin and temptation you may have been, how distracted and unfocused you were. 
– Then go quickly and tell…your story may be more important to others than it is to you, but you have to tell them, you have to make a point to share in a way that others understand the genuine impact of Christ.
– There are many great themes to behold around Easter.  Reflect on your story, and how you can share it with others in a way that may lead them closer to Christ.

– This workout was one of Mulligan's standard favorites.  I've always loved it as well, perhaps because the stairs are on our previous homestead's path to the slip…perhaps because of the high cardio content.  Good stuff either way.
– Loved hearing Shredder talk about how he's Q'ed down in Tega Cay and exposed them to the glory of the Colt 45's and the Dippy Birds (#proudtear).  Heard his evil little giggle a couple times. 🙂 LOVED seeing you Bro.  Thanks for stopping in.  : )  Fist bump Hooper for us!
– Strudel is the master at giving a 10-count and telling a full story between each #.  Original plan had 10 sets up/down the steps, but his 10-count was effective #heunderstoodtheassignment
– Tonka was killing the steps.  Great progress Bro.  It takes awhile, but you've been consistent and it's showing.
– Shirley pretty much challenged us to keep up with him and his block.  WOW Impressive!  I think it was Shredder or Tonka that said something like, "if I run to catch up with him, I don't know if I can take his block and keep running".  No doubt bruh.  #strong

Always an honor to lead you fine men,
