Signers and Sighers

Event Date

Jul 04, 2020


Lots of fun this morning with 8 great guys! Put a major EH on my son and finally got him to come after picking him up from Langley AFB yesterday and telling him it was un-American not to workout with his dad on Independence Day! It worked!

FNG1 = my son, Sam

FNG2 = Romancing the Stone (named at a previous F3 but I couldn't find him in the list)


26 IC SSH (which is really 52 since they were IS and that happens to be the number of signers on the Declaration)

13 IC Windmills (I assume the "13" reference goes without saying)

26 IC Mountain Climbers

13 IC Toy Soldiers

13 IC Merkins

Pause to read the intro to The Declaration in honor of George Read (signer from Delaware)

Mosey to the back and do a trail run in honor of Samuel Chase (signer from Maryland)

At back playground we begin a rotation through the following while 1 Pax runs the trail and then returns and takes 2 shots with the pellet gun (misses mean you pick up a stick and out it on th eplatform of shame for burpees at the end).

– Big pole thrusters – pair of Pax face eachother, pick up the big pole and do squat thrusters in unison in honor of Robert Treat Paine (signer from Maryland)

– Speed ladder work – pair of Pax do  a variety of speed ladder drills in honor of Francis Lightfoot Lee (signer from Virginia)

– Med ball throws – Pair of pax play volleyball catch with either a 12# or 20# medicine ball over the top of the playground ladder in honor of William Hooper (signer from North Carolina)

– Block trifectas – pair of Pax do trifectas until their arms scream in honor of Thomas Stone (signer from Georgia)

– Coupon pulls – Pair of pax sit under the monkey bars and pull on ropes tied to each end of the "coupon" to haul it up to the top and then lower back down. Coupon also had an extra 30# of chain added to make it challenging. This was in honor of Lyman Hall (signer from Georgia).

Periodic stops to read more of The Declaration.

11 burpees were required back at the front due to Pax misses with the pellet gun. Once complete we closed with ….

13 parking lots sprints in unison in honor of Benjamin Rush (signer from Pennsylvania). These were fun, competitive and brutal! Great way to finish. Loved th epush from everyone.


Lots of hard work put in by all. I really apreciated the flexibility and help in coordinating with an odd number. Super glad no one got hurt with the Coupon Haul – it was a little dicey. 

Shirley is legit quick! Between him and Cheetah, SVU is rough for competitive speed drills.

Dandelion actually stayed on track and seemed to understand what was going on for at least 50% of the workout. Someone check on him later, please and make sure he is ok. 🙂


Can't be said better than this…

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Amazing sacrifices were made in pursuit of freedom. The greatest of which is our Savior's sacrifice that redeems us all. This document ushered in a country, though not perfect at inception, has provided more freedom, prosperity and equality for more people around the world than any nation ever on the face of the earth. It is a divinely driven nation necessary for the Second Coming. Let us honor our God and our forefathers by being men of honor – acceptable in the Lord's sight. Let us hold on to this Republic and pass it to our children.

As always, an honor to lead.
