Silver Sneakers – The mature runner’s choice

Event Date

Jun 28, 2017

5:15 Warmup / Dynamic Stretching: Frogger and HB

5:30 Main Event: added Lettuce Wrap, Calypso, Pierogi

6:07 Cool down: added Mortimer carrying death spikes (previously doing his own thing – we didn't ask what)

The plan of the day was to do a warmup mile then complete 5 rounds of the following series while covering a 3 mile route through the retirement communities behind Hough High school. 

2:00 min hard run / 1:00 min jog recovery to the six

1:00 min hard run / 30 sec jog recovery to the six

30 sec hard run / 30 sec jog recovery to the six

There was time at the end to have a good recovery jog down 1/2 of the half pipe before COT. 

The Moleskine:

– Since YHC had only scoped this route by google maps, the PAX had to inform that the route included two retirement villages.  The following conversation soon spiralled out of control including references to silver singles and obscure movie references by Pierogi.  He promised to provide his movie references and talking points prior to the next workout so we could be prepared to discuss. 

– Calypso had some serious speed out there and kept us on track with the turns.  Without him, there is no telling what party we may have happened across.  Some of the roads traveled don't show up in google maps (who knew?).

– Frogger showed early for the dynamic stretching and YHC was glad for not having to be heel walking / bounding around in the dark alone.  He may be a regular now though.  Hopefully the stretches helped the calf / hamstring situation. 

– Lettuce Wrap just powered through the workout.  When others were recovering, he kept going like a well oiled machine.  Keep on truckin' brother!

– Mortimer showed up just prior to the last 30 second interval conspicuously exiting the retirement community on the other side of the road from the PAX.  While initially very suspect, it became clear he was just running a different plan today and wanted to cool down/COT with us.  The spike covered shoes in his hand remained suspect.


– Varsity begins tomorrow with a 5:00 am Bonesaw Standard and 5:30 am bootcamp beatdown

– Turnpike Q's #HalfLife on July 5