Simple But Effective

Event Date

May 17, 2016

Pax above Plus – Bubbles, Snowen, Flo, Riptide, and missing two others.

A baker's dozen met at 5:15am for the Advanced Early Shift in Davidson.  Creativity may have been lacking on my part this morning, but the pax pushed through a simple but effective workout.

After a quick warmup, we ran to the old IB School.


3 rounds: 10 jump squats, run to bars, 10 pullups, run to trailer, 10 burpees, run back


2 rounds: 10 jump squats, run to bars, 10 pullups, run to bottom of hill, 10 burpees, run back


1 rounds: 10 jump squats, run to bars, 10 pullups, run to bottom of hill, 10 burpees, run back

LBCs, run to church


2 rounds: 10 curls IC, 10 Skullcrushers IC, 10 Ezekiel Burpees (w/ paver), 10 LBCs, Run to dumpster

1 round: 5 curls IC, 5 Skullcrushers, 5 Ezekiel Burpees, run to dumpster and back – put up pavers

Run back to Green and do dips up to your age.

Recover, COT


Thanks Riptide for taking us out with inspiring words about lifting each other up.

Keep Olive and his family in your prayers.

Keep Mindfreak and his father in your prayers.

New guy Snowden mentioned another CSAUP opportunity for an 8 man loooong distance run on October.  Talk to him if you are interested,