“Simple…But Effective”

Event Date

Jul 24, 2017

Seven fine men took the DRP and showed up to sweat a little (ok…a lot).  Sonar provided a “simple but effective” circuit to keep them busy.



Stretches – right over left and vice versa

15          IC           SSH

15          IC           MC       

15          IC           Squats



Circuit time

Head to the track for instructions

Circuit begins at the apex of the turn closet to the field house

  • Run to the bleachers
  • 10 dips at the bottom
  • Box jumps to the top
  • 10 calf raises
  • Head back down to the track
  • Run the track around to the entrance to the steel bleachers
  • Lunge-walk to the stairs of the bleachers (approx. 25 yds)
  • Run up the stairs, across the bleachers and back down
  • Run back the entrance of the bleachers
  • Bear crawl back to the starting point (approx.. 25 yds)

Repeato until time’s up (about 35 min)

We ended up completing 5-6 laps.  T-claps to those that pushed hard and managed to lap some of us.


6  2 MOM:


1-minute mason twist



Matthew 5:16

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Take the focus off of you and put it where it belongs.



  • The name of the workout came from how Bertha described it when it was all over.  My response was "don't overthink it".  It's fun to get creative with your workouts but when all is said and done – just get the work in and have some fun.  Those thinking of Q'ing might feel intimidated by what's involved but it doesn't need to be complicated at all.  Don't get me wrong, I love a workout with a theme and variety.  We just don't always have the time to put it together and that's ok.
  • You know it’s gonna be a sweat-fest when you break a sweat getting out of the car.
  • Was today Senior Skip Day or something?  I know some are out of town but that might have been a record for fartsacking regulars.
  • Nice efforts by all.  Loved seeing those at different levels pushing each other.
  • As always, gentlemen, it is an honor to be given the opportunity to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.

Q-School this Friday in Cornelius for those that are interested.  Great opportunity to learn about the history of F3 and pick up some great advice about becoming a Q or becoming a better one.  Click for details: http://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/q-school-returns-to-the-general