Simple, but effective…

Event Date

Mar 06, 2018


The rest of the PAX in spirit – Missed you…

For the LOVE of Vortex, in the ALMIGHTLY words of Shirley – Simple, but EFFECTIVE:


  • SSH – 50IC
  • Cotton Pickers – 10IC
  • Imperial Storm Troopers – 15IC
  • Windmills – 10IC
  • Copperhead Squats – 15IC

The Thang:

LBH Mosey, head to the back…

Mini-Meat Grinder – Version 1, Round 1:

  • Pull-Ups – 15
  • Block Skull Crushers – 20
  • Little Baby Dips – 30
  • Block Curls for Girls – 20
  • Squats – 30

LBH Mosey, head to the back…

Mini-Meat Grinder – Version 1, Round 2:

  • Pull-Ups – 15
  • Block Skull Crushers – 20
  • Little Baby Dips – 30
  • Block Curls for Girls -20
  • Squats – 30

LBH Mosey, head to the back…

Mini-Meat Grinder – Version 1, Round 3:

  • Pull-Ups – 15
  • Block Skull Crushers – 20
  • Little Baby Dips – 30
  • Block Curls for Girls – 20
  • Squats – 30

LBH Mosey, head to the back…

Mini-Meat Grinder – Version 2, Round 1:

  • Hanging Toe Touches – 15
  • Block Press – 20


Mini-Meat Grinder – Version 2, Round 2:

  • Hanging Toe Touches – 15
  • Block Press – 20

Mini-Meat Grinder – Version 2, Round 3:

  • Hanging Toe Touches – 10
  • Block Press – 20


Jane Fonda: Right – 25IC

Jane Fonda: Left – 25IC

Fire Hydrant: Right – 25IC

Fire Hydrant: Left – 25IC


  • 3 sets of 30 – 50 Merkins @ least every other day: Stop, drop, Merk!


And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Hebrews 11:6 ESV

Believe in HIM, draw near…


– Dandelion today, Vortex on Thursday…

– For 90% chance of rain from 5am – 6am, we stayed extremely dry… But, ooohhhhh then the sweat came in…

– Love the pauses @ the top of the LBH Moseys, what were y'all waiting for?

Enjoyed it as usual, appreciate y'all gents immensely. 

Respectfully & gratefully,
