Simple, not Easy

Event Date

Nov 03, 2022


Five of LKN's finest souls met their workout goals with quiet determination this fine morning.  Here's a bunch of it:

Brief, brief disclaimer

Parking lot mosey 

We grabbed the requisite blocks and circled up

Warm-o-rama: The windmill


Toy Soldier

Plank Jack

Slow Squat

The Curl x 15

Block 'Merican x 15

Block Swing @ 15

Bent over row x 15

Block Squat x 15

Traditional Sit-up @ 15

Mosey to the wall for peoples chai and air press

LBC on the wall

Mosey 'round to the blocks for round 2


The Curl x 25

Block 'Merican x 25

Block Swing @ 25

Bent over row X 25

Block Squat x 25

Traditional Sit-up @ 25


Mosey back to the wall for people's chair and air press

LBC on the wall


Mosey back for round 3

Shoulder shrug x 15

The Slow Curl x 15

Block 'Merican x 15

Block Swing @ 15

Bent over row X 15

Block Squat @ 15

Traditional Sit-up @ 25


Return the blocks and mosey to COT for MARY

Touch dem heels

Dying cockroach

Little baby extension

15 Burpees




Hoff let us know he has the Q for Samson suicides next week.  Some of you will be there, yes?

66 has been training his pup to knock the Pax down while running.  He's just tryin to toughin' us up!

Turnpike, while crushing the workout claimed to need the moseys for a rest.  I didn't believe him.

Drebin mostly stayed quiet and gave 110%.

Nice work men! 

Thanks for letting me Q, Hoff.