Since you showed up

Event Date

Jan 02, 2017

Warm Up:

Mosey to front of school
17s for 2017 in case you done catch on
17 SSH
17 Mtn climbers
Right over left, left over right
Arm circles small to large fowards and backwards

The Thang:

Mosey to bus parking
Split into two groups 
Bear crawl to end of overhang 1 burpee mosey back to middle  x 17
We made it to 8 or 9 and switched to crab walk, then lunge walk, skipping, frog jump, and inch worm
17 dips
17 step ups each leg
Mosey to back of school
Half iron chair other half 17 jump ups on loading dock Switch
mosey to down under bar
17 down unders
mosey to pull up bar
17 pull ups  max reps while pax does squats until everyone if finished
Mosey to track
lap 1 mosey on turns karokee on straight aways
lap 2 mosy on turns backwards run on straight aways
lap 3 slower mosey on turns sprint on straight aways
lap 4 mosey at your own pace


17 iron chair with air press
17 Lbc
17 low flutter
17 SVU
17 american hammer
17 stranded turttle
17 ? i dont remember after SVU it was hard to remember anything else
17 ?


Mark 1:35  Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed