Six for 7 of Diamonds

Event Date

Jul 03, 2019

Summertime is wacky if you’re near McCauley. Most of those guys just disappear for a couple months but Bunyan showed AND he pulled off a standard.

I shot for the stars when I named a few pax in my preblast, for kotters week and all. I attempted to get Atlas, Egyptian, Nordberg, Encino Man, and Crimson to show, plus tagged a few regulars.  Nobody I tagged showed, but Caboose did. So did Bunyan, Swing State, Stapler, and BoarHog.  We were set. I had my crew.

We moseyed over to the familiar bus lot for a little warm up. We did

  • SSH
  • IST
  • Windmill
  • Blastoff `merkins
  • Toy Soldiers

Then we kicked into the THANG, which was a 7 of Diamonds. Yes technically there is no baseball diamond at TMO, but we made due by picking out our 4 corners.  The pattern was simple. At each corner you do an exercise, run to the next corner, do it again, then run, again, run, again. When you’re done, you move on to the next one listed below. Caboose made some remark when he realized he was about to do 28 burpees. I don’t recall exactly what it was, but I suspect it was something to the effect of “Roadie, that’s genius! I will get right on it.”

  • 7 Burpees
  • 14 Low Flutters
  • 21 `merkins (single count)
  • 28 squats (single count)
  • 21 Freddy Mercuries
  • 14 Crab Cakes
  • 7 Monkey Humpers

When we finished, we moseyed a little, stopped for some dips, some single leg step-ups, and some more dips. After that we moseyed to the start and made a little time for Mary.

  • BoarHog – something ab related
  • Bunyan – hover merkins
  • Stapler – rosalita
  • Caboose – pretzel crunch
  • Swing State – heels to heaven
  • Roadie – pickle pounder

Bunyan took us out. Thanks to my friends for holding me accountable. I wouldn’t have kept this up if I had joined a gym.

No age stats today.