SkEtChY went Back to Back

"They got the Etch a Sketch going back 2 back….going back 2 back" (in my drake voice)

It was a cool 47degrees this morning.  I put on my long sleeves and sweater, and headed out the door, to bring the PAX another dose of something SkEtChY.  Last week we spent the whole time in the deck.  This week, only the warm up.  The chatter was real, and feelings got hurt.  Here is what happened. 

Warm Up

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • JumpRope with wide arms, arm circles, double jumps and anything else the PAX thought fun to yell out
  • Squats x 20 IC
  • Mericans x 10 IC into Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 10 IC

Indian Run over to the Tennis Courts

Get in teams of 3 (one team had 4 and 1 person = 2 on that team)

  • Mericans – 100 total as a team station 1
  • Squat Jumps – 150 as a team station 2
  • 3rd person ran between 2 stations, switching off at each stop

Circle Up 

  • LBC x 40 IC
  • Homer to Marge with Low Dolly and Rosalita mixed in

Repeato of team work, changing 

  • station 1 Peter Parkers
  • Station 2 Jump Squats

Circle up for Burpee Time Bomb (holding Al Gore when you werent burpee'ing)

Indian Run to front of DPK

  • 1 min of 2 leg jump ups
  • 40 sec of 1 leg step ups
  • 40 sec of other leg step ups

Circle up in front of P Lot

  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Pickle Pounder x 10 IC
  • J-LO x 10 IC

Finishing with….."Sally" doing mericans

The Naked Moleskin

  1. Thanks again to Tweetsie for letting me Q.  2 weeks in a row, hence the back2back.  Great PAX, next week I know you are handing this off to Labon.  Great leadership for this AO!
  2. PrimeTime continues to not know how to count.  Or maybe thats his way of mumble chatter.  He only seems to throw off the PAX, not the Q!  All I can say is…..BRING IT ON!!!!
  3. Bago….it was 47 this am, why shorts and t-shirt?????
  4. To answer the question asked during the Indian run…..YES the line slowed down when I got to the front, apparently Spare and I are the only ones who know to slow down after the sprint to the front.
  5. Just as always, can't wait until next time.  And God Bless everyone of you men!