Skillz to pay the Billz…ok, maybe one Bill….ok, maybe just enough for one trip to Chic-Fil-A

Event Date

Apr 29, 2017

14 Denver young men and younger men participated in a little fun, and a little "this is not that fun" in the lovely Spring morning air.

FNG-1 is Bolt(Spork's 2.0)

FNG-2 is Trapper Keeper(YHC's 2.0)

We were minus some of the regulars that headed out to the Lincolnton AO, but you were missed and hope you had a great workout Courtesy of Ziplock as well!


YHC heads over to the launchpad with nothing other than a few bakpacks/dufflebags  and is greeted by a couple of "here we go agains, oh boys, and what's in the bag??? "  Litlle did they know that this is one time the Ruck sacks did not make an appearance.


7:00 and let's go!

Disclaimer, only to YHC's 2.0 as even though he had posted multiple times, this was his first taste of the Mustang AO.


?SSH x 25(IC)

FInkle Swings x 10(IC) each leg, which led to some confusion as to who Ray Finkle was, some famous Ace Ventura quotes, as well as some recreating of funny movie scenes.  (We may need to work on some balance within the PAX)

Little arm circles forward, big forward, little backwards, big backwards, keep the arms up, 10 overhead claps, 10 out in front claps, keep those arms up, little forward circles, big, forward, little backwards, big backwards, keep them up, then down(feel the burn)

Love yourself…


Some music always tends to get the blood flowing…oh wait, YHC had some Bose speaker failure, but Closer came to the rescue with his.  Some grumblings of teacher's pet were thrown out, but thank you brother!

"Let the Bodies hit the Floor" but the goal is for your body not to actually touch the floor.

Each time your hear "let the bodies hit the floor" do a Donkey Kick x 26

Each time you hear a number(One, Two, Three, or Four) do a Merkin x 21

Such a fun little 3 minute 21 second exercise.  Seems to be a new favorite.


?The Thang

?"No seriously, what's in the bags?"

Let's see..grab them and let's mosey over to CSE.  Couple 2.0's with us so let's make sure they are safely in the middle of the PAX.

Stop at the Funnel Ball poles.  Open the bags.  There's nothing but sports equipment(basketballs, tennis balls/rackets, footballs, socer balls, etc)

Luckily we had some 2.0's to explain, but it's an oversized bucket 8 feet in the air with 4 holes(one on each side) numbered 1-4 where once you throw the ball inside, it "randomly exits through a numbered hole."  Apparently it only comes out the 3 side.  #NotRandomAtAll

The number it exits represents the quantity of excercises to be named later.  Each member took a shot, or 6 to get it in.  The rest of the PAX planked while waiting(low, regular, left hand up, right hand up) 36 total points, but the Q had Burpees designated so "omaha" and 18 were performed.

Mosey over to the Basketball court.?  Same format, each PAX took the shot of their choice.  Layup made=0 pts/missed=1 pts, free throw made=-1/missed=2, 3 pointer made=-2/missed=3…26 was the number but Closer hit a last second(2nd attempt) 3 so we settled at 23(Bobby Hurleys-slap the ground jump squat to touch the sky).  The PAX performed a combo of American Hammer and LBC's while waiting to take their shot. 

Mosey back to the Launchpad.?  Wait Closer forgot his gloves, let's do squats until he gets them and catches up.  Down to the field below, no let's go to the football field(wait the coach is on site so better not, down to practice field, no wait let's just settle for the side of the field below the lauch pad-I'm sure this looks better on Strava)

American Football Time.?  Cones are set up at 10, 20, and 30ish yards.  Pick your poison to throw to a PAX member to the distance of your chosing. 10 yards caught=0/dropped=-1, 20 yards caught=-1/dropped=2, 30 yards caught=-2/dropped=3.  Ended up at -8 so YHC omaha'ed and decided on 8 turkish get ups each side.  PAX performed carioke over to the stands and back while waiting their turn.

Real Futbol Time?  Use the same cones, but a goal is set up at the end and pick your distance to take a shot.  10 yards made=0/missed=-1, 20 yards made=-1/missed=2, 30 yards made=-2/missed=3.  Total was 32 points, but the exercise was Spartan(my high school macot) so let's count by 8.  Run to the other side of the field(50ish yards), drop and do a merkin, back to start and do 2 merkins, back across then 3 merkins, back to start then 4×8=32 merkins.  Now finish up suicide style with 1 merkin at the start and 1st cone, 2 merkins back at the start and then at 2nd cone, repeat to end and 4th cone.  20 total merkins with sprint in betwixt.

Gather all the gear and mosey to the launchpad or just east of it as the girl scout is still working on her stairs project.


PAX choice with Sonar, C-Sharp,Closer, and Soldier providing the pain.


??Stop and Smell the Roses-"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." -Some smarter dude or dudette than me.

We harp on "cant's" at our house as we are very blessed and would rather focus on what we "can" do.  However, it can creep in so easily as they were bouncing all around in my head during the hot run yesterday afternoon.  Easier taught than walked for sure.

What is one thing you want to do this year???  GO DO IT!!!



?-A particular PAX member apparently started in on the chicken minis a little early this weekend and boy do I feel for whoever has laundry duty in that household.  Closer was awfully close a few times so I hope he dodged the pink eye.

-So fun to have the 2.0's out there.  Lot's of energy and mumbelchatter.  "You're done talking to me!"

-Over/under on Bolt giving Abrams a run for his money in about 8 months?  Dude is beast mode!

-Got a lot of signups for the ruck training-csharp, sonar, spork, & just recruited Julius at the Y who was, wait for it, rucking at the Trail Day event!  Who's next?

-Not as much trash talking as I thought there could be. Guess when nobody's hitting it get's quiet.  Maybe it was because of the gloves and wet balls?

-Still time to sign up for the Mud Run May 20th.  If you haven't done this you need to.  So much fun in the woods just south of Columbia, SC.  If any questions reach out to Sonar, Ziplock, or C-Sharp.

-Enjoyed the fun and dun out there with you all!