Skinny Running Angie wears pearls on a string

15 of Denver's finest, including Wildthang and Tipper who haven't registered yet, joined together for this morning's midweek downpainment.  It went something like this…

30 Sec. Mummy Kicks
10 IC Apollo Ohno

The Thang
Run over to CSES for a half running Angie

PAX to complete the following:
A half running Angie, or rather a skinny running Angie
50 pull-ups
Run a lap around the track
50 Chest to ground 'Merican's
Run a lap around the track
50 Sit-ups
Run a lap around the track
50 squats
Run around track until all PAX finishes

Run back to ELHS

In the spirit of the Olympic games…pearls of "Olympic running events on a string"

100m sprint
10 second count
10 IC Crab Cakes
10 IC Shoulder touch planks

200m sprint
10 second count
30 second reverse plank

…and out of time

Time for Mary

Partner up for partner leg throws. 30 seconds and swap
Dr. W
Peter Parker
Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns
Finished with American Hammer

Factoid of the day On this day in 1998, Bill Clinton admitted that he had an inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinski. Which leads us to our verse of the day

Proverbs 12:22 "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy."

2 Thessalonians 2:9 "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.

Simple message, don't be a liar

Jolly has the Q at Mustang Aug 20th.  No SVU this Saturday, converge at Mustang.

LBC (Lincolnton) is still a go.  YHC, C# and Oldies will support Lincolnton this Saturday.


  • Mumblechatter was almost non-existent this morning
  • Many were discouraged before starting a half Angie.  By the end ALL PAX were well pleased with their performance.
    Bertha discuses with YHC on the way back to ELHS about if Angie is related to Murph…perhaps
  • Glad that Puddle could join us from his usual SVU post, but wishing his M a speedy recovery
  • Thanks for letting me lead you today.