Skipper on a Tuesday?

Event Date

Oct 01, 2019


Seeing that there was no Q signed up on the calendar at 8pm last night, I took it. 

2 others showed up, and were taken-back by a rare treat.  A week day Skipper Q. They actually sweared for what seemed like 10 minutes and I had to keep my distance during the warm up.



10 IC Tony Hawks

10 IC Toy Soldiers

10 IC Windmills

Da' Tang:

Head to the back, find your favorite 35lb block

Head back to the front.

Round 1:  Elevens:

10 Burpees/1 Deep Squat until you get to 1 Burpee/10 Deep Squats

Block Run to the top of LBH and back

Round 2:

10 Block Curls/1 WWI until you get to 1 Block Cur/10 WWIs

LBH Block Run

Round 3:

10 Block Skull Crushers/1 Box Cutter — till 1 Skull/10 Box Cutters

Return Blocks

At the pull-up bars:

Lay flat, perform a no-handed get-up curl to standing position and perform a pull-up

Repeat for 20 reps

Back to the Front

:30 American Hammer

Reflection (Cheetah provided):

Isaiah 55:6-11

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Great reminder that we may "think" that we have it all figured-out but he is always one step ahead of us.


 – 5:29 and I swear I'm going to sadclown it.

 – 5:30 Cheetah strolls in from his run-in, and Strudel pulls-in.

 – I keep saying that THIS will be the last hot and humid workout.  So ready for Fall.

 – It is hard to have much Mumblechatter during 11s with all the counting

 – Side Note: Strudel has a mistriss who keeps writing him love notes and the M is onto him.

 – Great honor to lead the AO on a Tuesday.  We need others to step-up and Q!  I had nothing planned until 5:20am, it does not have to be elaborate.