Skipper’s 12 Days AFTER Christmas

Event Date

Dec 26, 2015


9 men decided to start to work off the extra pounds of food we all ate yesterday.  Skipper decided to treat them to the 12 days AFTER Christmas.  Skipper was at the helm……


12 Cross-Country Skiers

12 Tony Hawks

12 Pickle Pounders

12 Windmills

12 Days After Christmas:  

*There just "happened" to be 12 trees at the Sailview Entrance.  *Some didn't believe this was a coincidence.  PAX runs up to the first tree and awaited directions.  1 exercise per tree/day.  After each day rotation, we'll do a run back downhill to the AO, and then back to the trees BACKWARDS to the next day/tree.

1st Day/Tree after Christmas:  1 – Minute of Burpees

2 – Merkins around the clock (12,9,6 and 3 clock positions)

3 – Jump Squats

4 – Monkey Humpers

5 – No-Handed Get-ups

6 – Groiners

7 – Donkey Kicks

8 – WWI Sit-Ups

9 – Squats

10 – Hand Release Merkins

11 – Carolina Dry Docks

12 – Stranded Turtles

*No time for 6Mary


Isaiah:  9:6

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government will be on his shoulder; and his name shall be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Well, its the day AFTER Christmas.  The presents are opened, things are already being returned, and slowly but surely, IF you even remembered that its not all about getting presents and other materialistic, earthly items, you're starting to get back to the norm.  My pastor talked about making Christmas Time, every time.  Every day that is.  He likes Christmas so much because its the one time of the year that some folks come to church, the one time of the year where families get together, the one time of year that a lot of people think about Christ at all.  How do we make Christmas Time, Every Time?  By starting each day thanking him for all that he's blessed us with.  By reaching out to a brother in need.  By putting him in the CENTER of your every action.  


*Calves may be feeln' those backwards hill runs tomm…..just sayn'

*Great to see you Sharkbait, hope all is progressing well with your family

*I don't think anyone will forget the 12 days AFTER Christmas until at least Tuesday

*PAX definitely celebrated after the 1st day of Christmas was not 1 rep, but 1 MINUTE….muhaha

*Sorry we had to change it up a bit at the end to make sure we experienced all 12 days, always easier on paper

*Vortex said I was #1 a few times with hand gestures

*A LOT of post Christmas Dinner cropdusting was provided

*2 times in a row for BigEasy, glad you're back in the groove brother

*T-Claps to Mullligan, dude's a machine, going to Mustang and SVU routinely, great to have you

*Double T-Claps to Cheetah, who still smoked the PAX on the runs WITH a 12-pound weight vest on

*As Cabella's was closed again, we had a good 2nd and 3rd F at Westlake

*Guys, the 1st F is the magnet that gets us all out here for a little while, I really think its the 2nd and 3rd F that truly is the glue that keeps you coming for 1 month, 6 months, a year, 2 years, etc.  Its what keeps you coming back for more in the driving rain, 20 degree weather etc.  Let's challenge ourselves to concentrate even more on the 2nd and 3rd F in 2016!  Aye.

*As always, an honor to lead and be led by you men.  Have a great weekend.  And stop drinking the eggnog.