Skipper’s 3-Layer Cake

Event Date

Apr 02, 2016


6 Denver PAX came out to have some of Skipper's 3-Layer cake.  Seconds and even third servings were had, and rain was the perfect ingredient. Skipper was at the helm.


15 IC ISWs

10 IC Crucible Merkins

15 IC Copperhead Squats

10 IC Toy Soldiers

Arm Circles

Da' Tang:

3-Layer Cake Crawl:

Form 3 Layers…er Lines facing the big hill:

Layer 1: Prisoner Squats

Layer 2: Starburst Squats

Layer 3: 10 OYO Merkins (x10) = Timer; once complete, bear crawl to the Layer 1, were Layer 1 becomes Layer 2, Layer 2 becomes the timer….Repeat and Mix

3-Layer Crab Cake:

Round 1:

Layer 1: Fiddler Crab across front play yard and also back #crowdpleaser

Layer 2 & 3: Lunges in place L/R

Round 2:

Layer 1: Crabwalk there/WalkCrab back 

Layer 2 & 3: Apollo Ohhhhnooos

Round 3:

Layer 1: Frog Jumps there/Jump Frogs back

Layer 2 & 3: Side Lunges

Mosey to Cricket Cove

3-Layer Hot Cake:

Layer 1: Sprint to the end of cul-de-sac and back

Layer 2: Jump Tucks with :3 second hold on the down part

Layer 3: Hot Toes L/R

Rotate through the layers twice


Mosey back to Front Play Yard

1-Minute ofs: (:60 seconds of called exercise)

Clap-Backs  (Plank position, plyo push up with hands "clap"; then lift feet and clap back)

Mason Twist



15 IC Heels-2-Heaven: (On your 6 laying flat, raise your feet 6-inches; Count 1=Tuck knees to chest; Count 2=Thrust heels to heaven lifting your 6 off the ground; Count 3=back to tuck; Count 4=Out to 6-inches – no touching the ground – borrowed from Myrtle Beach Grand Strand workout.  Thanks OneCall.

10 IC Stranded Turtles

10 IC L/R Fire Hydrants

:60 Glute Bridge Hold

Reflection: (Mark4:35-41) – Jesus calms the storm

That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side".  Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat.  A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped.  Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.  The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"  He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet!  Be still!"  The the wind died down and it was completely calm.  He then said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid?  Do you still have no faith?"

Why are we so afraid?  Can you imagine waking up Jesus to have him rebuke the waves?  Then asking him if he cared?  After everything that he had already shown to the disciples, they still had little faith.  They were still afraid, even with Jesus IN their boat.  Yet, we do this all the time.  Of course, Jesus is not physically in our car, at work, at home, etc. but he is with us in spirit everywhere we go.  Why is it so hard to let go and let God guide us through our storms?  


*Q was asked "should we take our water?"  The PAX can be taught….hmmm

*PAX was all about safety this morning, when Q took off for a 30yrd mosey to Cricket Cove he was severly scolded for running on the wrong side of the street….heard from Cheetah an annonymous PAX member-"I can hear a car coming but I can't see it".  Yes, I heard that.

*As always, Frog Jumps and Jump Frogs = T-Claps from the PAX

*So the Q was threatened with a switch to the legs (hopefully); had his water bottled kicked and was pushed at least once.  #weirdwaystothanktheQ

*T-Claps to Atlantis for pushing through some leg issues

*I'm sure I missed some chatter, I couldn't hear it some times over the whining; mumblechatter from the Incognitians

**As always, an honor to lead and be led by you guys